In 1467, the miraculous image of Our Lady of Good Counsel descended upon a historic church in the Italian town of Genazzano near Rome. This small town became a center of devotion to Our Lady that would later have a strong impact on one of the greatest battles in history.
This devotion has profound effects on the village and Christendom. The Faithful had recourse to her when confronting Christendom’s enemies. Where there was devotion to Our Lady of Good Counsel, Luther’s errors found no footing. They categorically rejected protestant religions that excluded our Lady.
During the reign of Saint Pius V, those who championed devotion to Our Lady of Good Counsel became involved in the fight for the survival of Christendom against the Islamic threat. Saint Pius V ascended the throne of Saint Peter, determined to unite the Faithful. He spared not the rod and curbed every abuse in the Church. Rome, previously a city of corruption, now radiated spiritual health. Msgr. Dillon wrote, “Mary gave him in a measure vouchsafed to a few that gift needed most for a ruler—the gift of good counsel.”
Our Lady of Good Counsel and Lepanto
With the House of God in order, the pope turned his attention to the Turkish danger threatening all of Italy. He had recourse to the Virgin of Genazzano. The admiral of the Papal fleet was the ruler of Genazzano, Mark Antony Colonna. He joined the Holy League under the command of Don John of Austria to fight the historic battle of Lepanto in 1571 against the Turks.
The battle looked stark for the Catholic cause. The Turks were more numerous and led by “the ablest naval commanders Islam ever produced.” Their recent conquest of Cypress also stimulated them to seek new victories.
Learn All About the Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our Times
The Catholic fleet met the enemy with greater ardor. Their souls were purified by confession and fortified by the Eternal Bread of Life.
When the two forces finally clashed, the sea became a vast battlefield. Over 35,000 Muslims and 7,000 Catholics were slain within hours. Suddenly, artillery smoke blinded the Muslims and drove them back. This providential wind gave the Catholics an opportunity to crush the massive fleet. Some Muslims reported seeing Our Lady in the sky on the side of the Catholics.
Upon their triumphant return, the Catholics knew to whom the victory belonged. At once, they graced the Sanctuary of the Madonna of Good Counsel with Muslim banners taken from their ships. The ruler of Genazzano even sent parts of the Muslim wreckage as reminders of the victory.
Devotion to Our Lady of Good Counsel Will Crush God’s Enemies
All over Europe, devotion to Our Lady of Good Counsel increased. Many attribute the saving of Christendom to her powerful intercession.
Our Lady promises this same help today. If this devotion to Our Lady of Genazzano in the sixteenth century produced such unlikely results, similar graces can be expected for those who recourse to her. The restoration of the Faith today depends on this union with Our Lady.