Going Beyond Pro-Life

Going Beyond Pro-Life 1

“The pro-life movement has an amazing capacity to unite, impassion and win. However if we are to win the whole Cultural War, we must go beyond pro-life.” This was one of the conclusions of the meeting held at the TFP Washington Bureau on Tuesday, January 23. Well over one hundred TFP members, … Read more

Fighting Abortion: Time to Press Ahead Toward Victory – 2007

Fighting Abortion: Time to Press Ahead Toward Victory - 2007

Since the infamous Roe v. Wade decision, the unthinkable has happened for the pro-abortion movement. What should have been a simple matter riding on the coattails of the Sexual Revolution of the sixties has become a moral and political quagmire. Pro-abortion advocates have lost their vision with no exit strategy in sight. … Read more

Poland’s First National March for Life and Family Draws Over 2000

Poland’s First National March for Life and Family Draws Over 2000 1

Over 2000 pro-family Poles marched through Warsaw on June 4, 2006 for the nation’s First National March for Life and Family. The event was organized by the Fundacja Pro and the TFP-inspired Stowarzyszenie Kultury Chrzescijanskiej im. Ks. Piotra Skargi (Fr. Peter Skarga Association for Christian Culture). The crowd included numerous young people … Read more

March for Life: Braving the Storm, Come What May

An Appeal for Insistence - 2010 5

A cold penetrating rain poured down on the night before the March for Life. No doubt many anti-abortion Americans looked at the bleak weather forecast and wondered what the next day’s march would bring. Some might have even hesitated. It is in dreary times not sunshine when the true caliber and dedication … Read more

Fighting Abortion in a Cultural War – 2006

Year after year since the tragic Roe v. Wade decision, we come here to protest abortion on the streets of the nation’s capital. Year after year, the devastation caused by abortion becomes more patent, while its harmful consequences accumulate. Abortion and the “Culture of Death” Because of abortion, our country must seek … Read more

Demolishing Myths About Stem Cell Research

Demolishing Myths About Stem Cell Research 2

On August 12, Kansas State Representative Mary Pilcher Cook gave an informative presentation about stem cell research and cloning to TFP supporters and friends in the Topeka area. The media and smooth-talking politicians often try to muddy the waters regarding these issues. Even Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, who has a high … Read more

Having One’s Cake and Eating it Too

Having One's Cake and Eating it Too 2

On July 29, Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist officially endorsed federal funding for embryonic stem cell (ESC) research. This issue is of pivotal importance in the pro-life struggle. Should the government refuse funding for ESC research, it would weigh heavily in favor of the belief that an embryo is a human life, … Read more

Thank You Bishop Rhoades

When I heard that my bishop, Most Reverend Kevin Rhoades, of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, was planning a procession and rosary in front a local abortion clinic, I was excited and pleasantly surprised. Due to their busy schedule and load of administrative work, few bishops would take three hours early on a Saturday morning … Read more

The Church’s Infallible and Immutable Doctrine on Contraception Stands Amid Growing Opposition

The Church’s Infallible and Immutable Doctrine on Contraception Stands Amid Growing Opposition 1

Recent statements by Cardinals George Cottier and Javier Lozano Barragán that condom use is legitimate in certain circumstances to prevent the spread of AIDS are creating confusion among Catholics worldwide and causing enormous scandal. Unfortunately, these high-ranking prelates, both holding important posts in the Roman Curia, have joined a growing number of … Read more

Marching for Moral Values

Marching for Moral Values 2

On January 24, people from across the nation and around the world faced icy cold temperatures at the Mall in Washington D.C. for the 32nd annual March for Life. The event was attended by over 100,000 people who gathered to express their repudiation for the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that … Read more