We have often spoken about the “red tide” that threatened to engulf Latin America. Almost everywhere, the far left started winning elections, turning red a continent that until recently was mainly aligned to the right.
This excessive socialist influence soon found its way into the many inter-American organizations. Thus, the left came to dominate the Organization of American States (OAS), the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (CELAC), the Inter-American Court of Human Rights (IACHR) and others. Many of these bodies have lost their democratic character and become true “guardians of the revolution” in Latin America.
This resolute advance of Marxist socialism in Latin America occurred concurrently with the pontificate of Pope Francis and, to a certain extent, as a consequence. Francis is a defender of liberation theology and people’s theology, which seek to involve Catholics in the revolutionary process toward communism. He has systematically shown sympathy for the leftist candidates while neglecting those of the center-right. His episcopal appointments have often strengthened the progressive factions in the clergy.
Throughout this advance, we were not impressed by the red tide. From the beginning, we sought to expose its conspicuous Achilles heel: its poor ability to convince the masses.
To begin our criticism, the tide was never universal. Many nations stayed outside its influence. Countries like Ecuador, Uruguay, El Salvador and Paraguay have center-right governments.
In other countries, the left has managed to seize power only through elections tainted by serious allegations of fraud and corruption. This ruse was first tested in Venezuela and then exported throughout the region, complete with teams of Cuban, Bolivian, Venezuelan and Nicaraguan monitors. Such tactics show the weakness of a left that cannot win clean elections.
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Another factor of weakness is the Latin American left’s preference for dictatorial ways. Once in power, the left easily abandons democratic paths and imposes de facto ones. Thus, its governments suppress freedom of the press, imprison opponents, shut down opposing media and other measures. Using force is an implicit admission of failure since it exposes the inability to convince public opinion through peaceful and legal means.
This tide now shows signs of retreat.
Perhaps the turning point in the anti-communist resistance is found in Peru. Annoyed by the opposition of the Parliament’s center-right majority, Marxist President Pedro Castillo attempted a coup d’état in December 2022.
Contrary to expectations, the nation’s governmental institutions and forces of order reacted promptly. Castillo was arrested, and vice-president Dina Boluarte duly assumed the presidency. The Parliament then rejected an attempt to invalidate the Constitution.
Enraged by this defeat, the continental left helped launch a broad offensive of a terrorist and subversive nature to retake power by violence. With the massive support of public opinion, the police and the armed forces managed to defeat this revolution.
“We did not expect such a reaction. We withdrew because we weren’t prepared,” whined one leader of the revolt in a street speech in Juli.
This anti-communist resistance, a model for the whole continent, is now the subject of study in political research centers and military schools in Latin America.
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More recently, the red tide suffered two significant setbacks.
On April 30, Paraguay held its presidential elections. The well-known French left-leaning newspaper, Le Monde, spoke of a “very important election.” The left expected a victory that would break the hegemony of the center-right party, which, except for the short interval of 2008-2012, has governed the country for more than half a century. The election was so crucial that VIPs promoting leftist globalism—such as World Economic Forum president Klaus Schwab and American ambassador to Paraguay, Marc Otsfield—went out of their way to favor leftist candidates. It was a scandalous interference in the internal affairs of the country.
Contradicting these expectations, the conservative anti-communist candidate, Santiago Peña, from the National Republican Association party (Partido Colorado), won the election. He obtained more than double the votes of the runner-up in the first round of the elections.
Peña defends the model of a conservative Paraguay. “We are a conservative society; the conservative spirit is deeply rooted in us, making us cautious in the face of major changes in society,” he told Agence France-Presse.
The wound had not yet healed when the Latin American left took another, even harder blow: a clear rightest victory in Chile.
Chile is still governed by its 1980 constitution, which was approved during the government of General Augusto Pinochet. The Carta Magna then obtained 67% of the votes in what was considered a referendum in favor of the military regime. It has since been amended hundreds of times to adapt to the present needs.
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Strengthened by his surprising electoral victory in March 2022, leftist President Gabriel Boric called a plebiscite in September to approve a new constitution that would have transformed Chile into a communist and anarchical country. The document was hurriedly drafted by small legislative groups linked to the subversive fringes and subsequently rejected by 62% of Chilean voters.
Shaken by this defeat, Boric then called new elections to choose a constitutional assembly of fifty-one councilors who would draw up a new leftist draft constitution more democratically and openly. However, he was again defeated on May 7 when the election results reflected a clear victory to the right.
The big winner is José Antonio Kast, leader of the Partido Republicano, which the media persist in defining as “extreme right.” He obtained 35% of the votes. The traditional right, represented in the Chile Seguro party, received 21% of the vote. The Todo por Chile list, which grouped the left together, only garnered 9%. Thus the right and the center-right will have thirty-three of the fifty-one advisers, a veto-proof majority.
The well-known newspaper La Tercera (5-8-23) polled the new councilors and reported surprising results: 60% say they have no affinity with the proposals of the left; 90% want a minimalist constitution that will not upset the system now in place; 60% declare themselves against abortion; and 87% want a strong private sector. The right now has a blank check to shape the country’s future.
“The far right becomes the leading political force in the country. Earthquake in Chilean politics” was the headline bitterly carried by the Spanish newspaper El País (5-8-23).
Some earthquakes can cause huge tides, like the dreaded tsunamis. Other earthquakes can cause tides to recede and nullify the effects of past tides. This change seems to be the case in Chile and other Latin American countries.
Photo Credit: © Iliya Mitskavets – stock.adobe.com