It Is Blasphemy, But Certainly Not Art

Blasphemy is often excused by labeling it “art.” However, this sophism cannot be used to justify a low-budget comedy called The Ten, set to debut August 3. There is simply no way it can be considered as art or anything other than a cheap and perverse attack against God’s law.

The film is made up of ten short skits, each of which portrays the breaking of one of the Ten Commandments. This is particularly distasteful for Americans, the majority of whom consider the Decalogue sacred.

Predictably the film is grossly immoral. In perhaps the worst skit, a 36-year-old “virgin” goes to Mexico and has an affair with “Our Lord” who is present for the Second Coming. The movie is rife with this type of meaningless blasphemy.

“What I find surprising about reports I have read on the film,” said TFP Webmaster John Horvat, “is its utter lack of intellectual content. It is literally made up of filthy jokes a naughty elementary school student might have penned.”

But the creators are not elementary students; they are amateur filmmakers, giving them the possibility of using pornography and perversity in unimaginable ways. This includes portraying a woman fornicating with a ventriloquist’s puppet and a group of men who get together to “get naked.”

Another scene reportedly has inmates in prison telling a story of “brutal sexual abuse”… is this supposed to be funny?

However, what is particularly offensive about the film is its blasphemous content. To mock the Ten Commandments of God’s law is bad enough, but portray the sacred person of Our Lord Jesus Christ, deflowering a woman is even worse.

This is an offense that must be answered. The honor of Our Lord demands it. That is why the American TFP web site is asking all its readers to send an instant e-protest to theaters featuring the film on opening day.

“Since we are reaching the theaters instead of the producers, each message will be more effective,” said Mr. Horvat.


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