July 18 – Maine Mall, Portland, Maine

Well, here is the Maine Caravan’s first report. While we sense that the majority of Mainers favor traditional marriage, we expected much opposition from the notoriously liberal area of Portland. Locals even warned us about them. So with some trepidation, we set up at the busiest intersection in South Portland at the Maine Mall.

Maine Mall is a massive place with lots of car traffic going in and out. We set up, with our large TFP standard and banner that reads “God’s marriage: 1 man and 1 woman.” We also had several signs with “Honk for Traditional Marriage” written on them. Local police who came out to view the campaign assured us: “You guys chose the busiest and the best corner in South Portland.”

July 18 - Maine Mall, Portland, Maine

As we set up, it was uplifting to hear honks in support. People shouted their support and showed their happiness that we were standing up to the homosexual movement. We were surprised that the favorable reactions to the campaign largely outnumbered the obscenities of the pro-homosexuals.However, as we were setting up, a passerby questioned the futility of our efforts: “Aren’t you afraid you are making fools of yourselves?” Since he was obviously a proponent of same-sex “marriage,” we asked, “if we are making fools of ourselves, what have you to fear?”

This kept up for the whole campaign. People honked and gave us thumbs-up and even argued against supporters of same-sex “marriage.” There was one case where a truck with two men started honking and shouting their support. A car drove up next to them and its occupants began to curse and shout obscenities. The men in the truck engaged them in debate, which infuriated the “tolerant” pro-same-sex “marriage” proponents.


Overall, the tone of the campaign was good. But evil did put in an appearance. One of our volunteers, Francisco Saidl had a soda thrown at him. This was done by one of those who call themselves “tolerant” and “full of love.”

Tomorrow, we continue the fight. Please pray to our patron St. Joseph, Pillar of the Family, for the success of our endeavors against same-sex “marriage” here in the great state of Maine.

St. Joseph, Pillar of the Family,

Pray for us!

Contact the Caravan
To contact the caravan, email them at [email protected]

How to Support the Caravan
If you want to help protect the sacred institution of marriage, please consider filling our van’s gas tank with fuel and keep us on the road for traditional marriage.

If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to The American TFP and mail it to:
The American TFP
P.O. Box 251
Spring Grove, PA 17362.

Financial Reports Notice

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