Today, the feast of St. Elias, we campaigned in Lewiston, Maine.
Local channel six interviewed Mr. Richard Lyon and the segment aired in the evening news. You can watch it here.
The point about abrasiveness is in response to an insinuation that our campaign was too aggressive. Mr. Richard tried pointing out that the harshness is actually coming from the proponents of homosexual marriage. Judge for yourself by watching the video.
A case in point about the aggressiveness: Mr. Joseph Ferrara handed a flyer to a woman who promptly ripped it up and threw it in his face. So much for “tolerance” and “love.”
On the other hand, the support continues to be very strong. We got segments of continuous honking with plenty of thumbs-up, waving and friendly smiles. One man riding a bicycle crossed to the island where one member held a sign. He approached the member from behind and said: “Honk, honk. My bicycle doesn’t have a horn but I support you anyway.”
Regarding the honks, there are times when it seems like about twenty some cars are all honking in the same time. With all the happy faces, the atmosphere seems festive, as if the local team just won the Super Bowl. The best honks, though, come from truckers, whose horns clearly overpower any car. We started targeting big truckers encouraging them to pull on their horns and surprisingly the majority do.
So, until next time, please continue to pray for the campaign, especially here in far away lobster country.
St. Joseph, Pillar of the Family, pray for us.
St. Gabriel, pray for us.
St. Elias, pray for us.
Contact the Caravan
To contact the caravan, email them at
How to Support the Caravan
If you want to help protect the sacred institution of marriage, please consider filling our van’s gas tank with fuel and keep us on the road for traditional marriage.
If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to The American TFP and mail it to:
The American TFP
P.O. Box 251
Spring Grove, PA 17362.