July 30 – Saratoga Springs, Queensbury, New York

This morning we had two campaigns outside of shopping centers at very busy intersections. The support we received in Saratoga Springs was very good but it didn’t compare to what happened in Queensbury.

One way of gauging the effectiveness of the campaign is by the number of projectiles thrown. Several people threw soft drinks and another person threw some more coins. Fortunately no one was injured and our spirits continue to run high.

July 30 - Saratoga Springs, Queensbury, New York

We came up with a method of getting our message out that was quite amusing. It is not uncommon for dozens of cars at a red light to simply ignore your sign. The one I prefer to hold tells that 60% percent of New Yorkers, according to a CBS poll, support Traditional Marriage. The opposite side of this particular sign is blank. So I decided to let the whole lane fill up with traffic then I walked in their direction with the blank side showing, pointing at it all the while. It wasn’t long before every passenger in the waiting cars were dying of curiosity. You could tell by the looks on their faces that some did not want to see the other side while others found it impossible to restrain a smile, knowing that whatever we were doing they supported.

Every time we did this someone would either scream out “turn it around” or gesture the same message. Since they were asking to read our message what else could we do but comply.

While some covered their faces not wanting to read the whole message others would honk their approval. We would then yell out “Another New Yorker supports traditional marriage.”
One man stopped his car at the first location and rolled down his window. He profusely thanked us for what we are doing. “The government is taking away all of our rights. Thank you for what you are doing we are all in this together.”

Contact the Caravan

To contact the caravan, email them at tfp@tfp.org

How to Support the Caravan

If you want to help protect the sacred institution of marriage, please consider filling our van’s gas tank with fuel and keep us on the road for traditional marriage.

If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to The American TFP and mail it to:

The American TFP
P.O. Box 251
Spring Grove, PA 17362.

Financial Reports Notice


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