Forty-six years ago this month, the horrible and infamous Supreme Court decision, Roe v. Wade, legalized the slaughter of innocent unborn children through abortion. However, now, pro-lifers from all over the world are still converging by the hundreds of thousands upon Washington D.C., the nation’s capital, to boldly and unabashedly proclaim that abortion is wrong and must end now.
In union with the vibrant and resolute marchers, The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joins in the fight against abortion. The loud ringing of the bagpipes and the thunder-like beating of the drums by the American TFP’s Holy Choir of Angels Band could be felt and heard by all.
Defending the Unborn Amidst a Crisis of Faith
This year, the American TFP’s message was “Defending the Unborn Amidst a Crisis of Faith.”
“Foremost in the pro-life ranks are Catholics across the country. This is because the Church’s teachings on abortion have always been clear and unequivocal: Procured abortion is murder. There are no exceptions allowed, no compromises possible,” the flier reads.
The message focuses on the fact that the fight against abortion is a religious battle. So many brave American Catholics have been in the front lines of this struggle since the beginning.
The American TFP wants to remind Catholic pro-lifers that even though the recent scandals are rocking the Catholic Church at the highest levels, they cannot let it break the unity in the fight to defend the unborn. As Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira writes in Revolution and Counter-Revolution: “Amid the storms through which She passes today, the Church could proudly and tranquilly say: ‘I have seen other winds, I have beheld other storms.”

Vice President Mike Pence: “Life is Winning in America Once Again.”
In a surprise visit to the March for Life, Vice President Mike Pence and Second Lady, Karen Pence, gave nothing but support and encouragement to the enthusiastic and joyful pro-lifers at the march.
“We’re the Pences, and we’re pro-life,” began the vice president. He continued, “We are, all of us, born and unborn, endowed by Our Creator, with certain unalienable rights, and first among these rights is the right to life…forty-six years ago this month the majority on the Supreme Court turned its back on that right.”
“But in that moment, a movement was born…a movement animated by faith and truth.”
Mr. Pence urged the pro-lifers to, “Be prepared to defend life.” He then warned, “They will attack you. They will question your hearts to silence others.”
“But don’t listen to them. Listen to the truth,” the vice president assured the marchers.
He ended his speech saying, “From the White House to your house, life is winning in America once again. But we gather here today because we know we still have much work to do. So we urge you to stand strong. ”
President Donald Trump also addressed the March for Life via video message. His message too was strong. He promised to veto any abortion legislation that would end up on his desk. He emphasized, “Every child is a sacred gift from God.”
It’s Time to Charge Ahead and Not Look Back
What happens now? Will pro-lifers sit back and allow abortion and everything that threatens the family continue to wreak havoc on society?
Now is the time to use every possible means to defend the sanctity of innocent life. Pro-lifers must charge full steam ahead and not look back. They must not accept any half-hearted victory, but total victory.
Victory in the fight against the culture of death belongs to those who are willing to fight, suffer and give everything for it.

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I Have Weathered Other Storms
A Response to the Scandals and Democratic Reforms that Threaten the Catholic Church