Men Screaming ‘Hail Satan’ Disrupt the Rosary in Illinois

On the afternoon of June 19, members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property, raised their large red standard in Springfield, capital of Illinois. It is one of many Rosary rallies, taking place in all 50 state capitals this summer.

Men Screaming ‘Hail Satan’ Disrupt the Rosary in IllinoisAs those present fingered the beads of devotion, everyone sensed the uniting influence of the Rosary bolstering the rally. This rally was especially blessed by the presence of the International Pilgrim Statue of Our Lady of Fatima positioned on a table at the center of the event. A throng of local Catholics joined the rally asking Our Lady to light the way of America’s uncertain future.

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Men Screaming ‘Hail Satan’ Disrupt the Rosary in IllinoisNearing the end of the rally, two men approached the crowd. One was a larger visibly- agitated man, and the other stood out by his tattooed face. Both wore black.

Men Screaming ‘Hail Satan’ Disrupt the Rosary in Illinois Their intention was clear. When they heard the Rosary, the agitated one made Satanic invocations, shouting ”Hail Satan.” The two men then twisted the words of the Hail Mary, adding obscene blasphemies.

Men Screaming ‘Hail Satan’ Disrupt the Rosary in IllinoisA TFP member approached them to ask them to move away.  Yet the agitated one nervously told him, “Step away, or I will put my gloves up.”

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Those attending the rally met the Satanic blasphemies with courage and resolution. Both young and old prayed the Rosary ever more loudly and boldly. As the rally closed, everyone came up to venerate the statue of Mary, which looked regal and in command of the capitol.  Meanwhile, the two Satanists become dispirited and discouraged when their blasphemies were drowned out by the Hymn of Saint Joan of Arc played by a TFP bagpiper.

A capitol police officer came to check on the campaign. He gratefully accepted a Saint Michael medal, patron of police officers. “Thank you so much,” he said. “We would love to have you in the Capitol Building, but unfortunately, it’s closed to the public.”

Prayerful and vigilant, the caravanners thank God for all of the graces received in Springfield. May Our Lady grant many more as they visit the other state capitols. Please pray for us for this prayer crusade!


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