New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope

New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope - John Horvat and Norman Fulkerson Illustrate Themes Found in ‘Return to Order’  New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope - John Horvat and Norman Fulkerson Illustrate Themes Found in ‘Return to Order’ New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope - John Horvat and Norman Fulkerson Illustrate Themes Found in ‘Return to Order’


For Immediate Release
Contact: John Horvat
Return to Order
Phone: 717-309-7147
E-mail: [email protected]

Photos available upon request

New Book ‘Lighting the Way’ Gives Hope

John Horvat and Norman Fulkerson Illustrate Themes Found in ‘Return to Order’

YORK, Penn. (June 5, 2018) An exciting new book addressing the restoration of America’s moral compass has just been released. Lighting the Way: Stories that Show How Our Culture Went Wrong and How We Can Restore Order is co-authored by John Horvat II and Norman Fulkerson. They put together a collection of essays and stories that represent hope for America.

This book is written as a long-awaited companion to John Horvat’s award-winning work, Return to Order: From A Frenzied Economy to An Organic Christian Society – Where We’ve Been, How We Got Here, and Where We Need to Go.

“I contributed to this book because I want to show people that restoring order is something doable,” writes Horvat. “We put together a collection of stories and essays that illustrate the themes of Return to Order.”

John Horvat is vice president of The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) and an acclaimed author. His book Return to Order has received eleven awards with over 315,000 copies in circulation. He has written hundreds of articles that have appeared worldwide, including in The Wall Street Journal, The Christian Post, The Washington Times, Crisis Magazine, C-SPAN, American Thinker, and The Stream.

Fellow TFP Member Norman Fulkerson is also the author of the widely praised book, An American Knight: The Life of Colonel John W. Ripley, USMC. His book won the Military Writers Society of America’s coveted 2010 Gold Medal for biography.

Order Now: Lighting the Way: Stories that Show How Our Culture Went Wrong and How We Can Restore Order

In Lighting the Way, the authors collected a wide variety of stories of both the good and the bad in society. These stories reflect America’s polarized state. Some will make readers shake their heads in disbelief and others that will fill them with wonder and joy.

“This work is written to give hope to countless Americans who believe America is worth fighting for,” says Fulkerson. “I meet these people and tell their stories.”

Those who liked Return to Order will certainly cherish Lighting the Way. The book is a part of the nationwide Return to Order campaign. For more information about this new book and the Return to Order campaign, or to schedule an interview with the authors, please call 717-309-7147 or e-mail [email protected].




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