Why Environmentalists Hate This New Clean Energy Development

Why Environmentalists Hate This New Clean Energy Development

Imagine getting electricity from the earth’s core with no pollution. Everyone, especially environmentalists, should be happy. Southern California Edison, one of America’s major power companies, recently struck a deal with a seven-year-old start-up called Fervo Energy. Unlike traditional methods of producing electricity, Fervo utilizes hydraulic fracturing (fracking) to tap into the earth’s … Read more

Why Are the American Bishops Asking that Cuba Be Taken Off the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism?

Why Are the American Bishops Asking that Cuba Be Taken Off the List of State Sponsors of Terrorism?

Question—What does the United States Council of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) have in common with the Australia-Cuba Friendship Society, Venezuela’s Resistance and Rebellion Collective, the Communist Party of Chile and the Zimbabwe Movement of Pan-African Socialists? Answer—All of them have taken public positions advocating that President Biden remove Cuba from the State Department’s … Read more

Why Electric Vehicles Are Losing Their Spark with Millennials

Why Electric Vehicles Are Losing Their Spark with Millennials

Consulting firm McKinsey & Co. conducted a poll that revealed a surprising trend among American millennial electric vehicle (EV) owners. It found that a significant 57 percent are considering reverting to gasoline-powered cars. The primary reasons cited for the change include range anxiety, home charging challenges, difficulties while on the road and … Read more

America’s New Catholic Priests Turn Right

America’s New Catholic Priests Turn Right

Dioceses across the country have long suffered from a vocation crisis. The number of new priests has failed to keep up as older priests retire and die. Many bishops have had to resort to foreign priests to fill the gap. The crisis is far from over. However, something new is happening in … Read more
