Cardinal Zen Exhorts the Chinese to Heroically Confront Communism

Cardinal Zen Exhorts the Chinese to Heroically Confront Communism 2

After the communist government in Beijing threatened to take away the freedom of Hong Kong, Joseph Cardinal Zen Ze-kiun, the city’s Bishop Emeritus, reacted the way Catholics would like to see their bishops react in the face of blatant anti-Christianity. Indeed, addressing the communist government on the radio, the cardinal said: “You … Read more

Fencing with Piketty

Fencing with Piketty 2

As I sat down to read Thomas Piketty’s bestselling book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, I must admit I was not well disposed toward the book. Here is a voluminous 700-page tome written by a Frenchman that has garnered scathing reviews from the conservative press and glowing praise from liberal economists. What … Read more

Vietnamese Leader Repudiates Socialism, Joins Catholic Church

Vietnamese Leader Repudiates Socialism, Joins Catholic Church 2

In a book that caused a sensation, titled Journal d’un lâche [A Coward’s Diary], Tô Hai, a “founding father” of Vietnamese communism and famous composer in that country announced he had left the Communist Party, reported the site “Le Salon Beige”. On May 28, 2014 he described on his blog with a … Read more

Imagine—A Restaurant With no Servers or Served

Imagine—A Restaurant With no Servers or Served

Chili’s, the national Mexican restaurant chain, has announced that it will be installing 45,000 tablet-style ordering stations nationwide. This gives patrons the ability, so to speak, to order online while seated and not have to interact with waiters. Why the change, one might ask? According to Chili’s, patrons feel as though they … Read more

A Humble Baker’s Conscience Under Attack

A Humble Baker’s Conscience Under Attack

Live and let live does not seem to apply equally. Recently a Colorado Civil Rights Commission ruled that Christian business owner, Jack Phillips of Masterpiece Cake Shop, must bake cakes for homosexual “marriages” in spite of his conscientious objections based on his Christian convictions. This particular persecution started when two homosexuals, Dave … Read more

D-Day at 70: When Order Triumphed Over Evil

D-Day at 70: When Order Triumphed Over Evil

This June 6th marks the seventieth anniversary of the D-Day Normandy landings. While not the largest amphibious operation in history, it is perhaps the most significant. Europe was pinned beneath the boot of National Socialism, a godless, gnostic sect that swept God from public life. The Normandy invasion spelled the beginning of … Read more

Cooking the Numbers

Cooking the Numbers

The European Union has adopted fiscal rules that require those who are in the eurozone to limit deficit spending to no more than three percent of any member nation’s gross domestic product (GDP). Unfortunately, the present Italian budget does not comply with these goals. However, there is no problem that is too … Read more

Kerry’s 97 Percent of What?

This year’s graduating class at Boston College was treated to empty rhetoric about “climate change” by its commencement speaker, Secretary of State John Kerry. During his discourse, he derided any questioning of the failed computer models of global cooling, global warming, climate change or now climate interruption, labeling such questioners as “skeptics.” … Read more

The EPA’s War on Electricity

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) seems to be given a never-ending authority to interfere in a critical part of the U.S. infrastructure—electrical generation. The pretext is the classification of CO2 as a pollutant, despite the fact that this naturally occurring trace gas has a small benign effect on the climate and a … Read more