Corporate Flight From California’s Socialism

Major corporations are pulling up decades-old roots in sunny California and heading for greener pastures elsewhere. The list of companies is quite impressive: Nissan, Raytheon, Occidental Petroleum, Legalzoom, Waste Connections, Daegis, and Revionics. The most recent to join their ranks—Toyota Motors—becomes one of the 36,000 companies that have left between 1990 and … Read more

The Global Warming Polar Bear Scare

In November 1999, the BBC ran an article with an alarming title, “Global Warming Could Starve Polar Bears.” The main argument was that man-made greenhouse gases were increasing in disturbing amounts and causing the aggregate global temperature to increase dramatically melting arctic ice. This shortened the hunting season for polar bears because … Read more

The Failure of Green Energy

The Failure of Green Energy 1

Who would not want renewable, clean and affordable energy? The promise is great, but do green power sources live up to their claims? It seems that the only green to be found is from taxpayers’ pockets to environmentally friendly construction companies. Green energy is big business delivering small returns. It seems there … Read more

Argentina: Repeating the Tragedy of Venezuela

Argentina: Repeating the Tragedy of Venezuela 2

It appears that Argentina and Venezuela have more in common than meets the eye. They were both Spanish colonies, have a majority Catholic population, once enjoyed a vibrant and growing economy—and they are both falling headlong into chaos, bankruptcy, civil unrest and massive poverty. Do the woes of Argentina and Venezuela have … Read more

Can Technology Completely Replace Humans?

Can Technology Completely Replace Humans? 1

With computers, robots and other digital technologies acquiring basic tasks and even more advanced skills at an extraordinary rate, what is the future of the labor market? For more than a century, automation has increasingly replaced a portion of the labor market as technology advances with robotic automation performing more and more … Read more

Hobby Lobby vs. Obamacare at Supreme Court

Hobby Lobby vs. Obamacare at Supreme Court

Amid constant snowfall, TFP Student Action volunteers attended a rally at the Supreme Court in Washington, D.C. on March 25 to support Hobby Lobby, a craft store with 13,000 employees. Directly next to the rally in favor of Hobby Lobby a counter-rally organized by Planned Parenthood loudly proclaimed a contrary message. The … Read more

Reversing the West’s cowering before Putin’s Crimea Grab

Reversing the West’s cowering before Putin’s Crimea Grab 2

The strength of evil lies in the weakness of the good. This statement sums up Russia’s aggression in the recent invasion of Crimea and the West’s cowardly and apathetic response. To our great shame, as Putin tests the mettle of our political leaders with another totalitarian aggression, he finds little serious reaction … Read more

Venezuela: Socialism’s Shining Star of Success

Socialist politicians have an uncanny ability to make poor decisions regarding the betterment of their country. Having seized power in 1999 as leader of the Fifth Republic Movement, Hugo Chávez steadily led Venezuela into an increasingly leftist state nationalizing industries and micromanaging every aspect of life. In 1999 Venezuela was ranked 99 … Read more