Cubans Remember what Castro Did

""""[vc_column_text]On Saturday, February 22, members of the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joined nearly 5,000 people who gathered for the inauguration of a monument to the victims of communism in Miami’s Tamiami Park in Florida. The monument, with its tall central column featuring the flag of … Read more

America’s New Endangered Species: The San Joaquin Valley

America’s New Endangered Species: The San Joaquin Valley 2

It was bad enough when the Obama administration announced that wind turbine facilities now have a thirty-year license to kill or injure, with impunity, two American icons: bald and golden eagles. While the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) turns a blind eye to this, it is now choking a $45 billion agricultural industry … Read more

Scientists: “The Shroud of Turin… Could be Real.”

Scientists: “The Shroud of Turin... Could be Real.” 2

The media in general are quick to throw doubt on relics and traditionally acclaimed holy objects of the Church. Few objects of veneration have attracted so much controversy as the Shroud of Turin. The debate was thought to have been concluded when scientists tested the authenticity of the burial cloth of Our … Read more

Harmful Chemicals Even in Clothes for Children

Hazardous chemicals have been detected in clothes for children made in China and sold by big Western brands such as Disney, Burberry and Adidas. This is the verdict rendered by the environmental organization Greenpeace after it submitted 82 items of 12 brands for analysis and found harmful chemicals in every one of … Read more

The Death of Peak Oil

Every once and while, liberal myths explode onto the scene with great fanfare and then later fade into oblivion with a whimper. One example was the famous population explosion myth in the seventies, where the left was proclaiming the imminent destruction of mankind by the year 2000 due to overpopulation. They could … Read more

Chinese Block Access to Shrine of Our Lady

As happens every year, Chinese police surrounded the village of Donglu, made famous among Catholics by an apparition of Our Lady in the early twentieth century, the official newspaper South China Morning Post reported. Police prevented pilgrims from joining with city residents for the celebration in honor of Our Lady. The forces … Read more

A Smoking Hypocrisy

The Surgeon General of the U.S. Public Health Service, Luther L. Terry, M.D., released the first report from the Surgeon General’s Advisory Committee on Smoking and Health on January 11, 1964. This warning kick started an unprecedented and successful antismoking campaign for public health, and it was accomplished in spite of the … Read more

Croatia: Protecting the Traditional Family

We can look to Catholic Croatia as an example for the West! This small Balkan country has registered a resounding NO to same-sex “marriage.” Its cry on behalf of natural and traditional family – father, mother and children – has echoed throughout the world. As a result of the referendum held on … Read more

Chinese Baby Cries at the Point of Being Cremated

A Chinese boy was pronounced dead at a children’s hospital in Anhui Province (eastern China) but began to cry when he was about to be cremated, local media reported according to AFP news agency. Hospital sources told the official Xinhua news agency that the baby was less than a month old and … Read more

Opportune Clarifications on Islam

“To tell the truth, Jesus is not an object of veneration in the Muslim tradition[…] in the Koran, Jesus is a great prophet, famous for his miracles on behalf of a poor and sick humanity, but he is not the equal of Muhammad.” So says one of the most outstanding Catholic scholars … Read more