Youths for Life Frustrate “Culture of Death” Event in Argentina

Youths for Life Frustrate “Culture of Death” Event in Argentina

On October 11-13, the Argentine government promoted the “29th National Encounter of Women,” which annually brings together hundreds of feminist activists in favor of abortion, LGBT issues, and even prostitution. These meetings usually conclude with a parade to the local cathedral to deface, profane, and even invade it if possible. This time, … Read more

Socialism Fulfills Its Old Proverb: “Bad Company Is Like a Fish Market: We End Up Getting Used to the Stench”

Socialism Fulfills Its Old Proverb: “Bad Company Is Like a Fish Market: We End Up Getting Used to the Stench”

The Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit held in China in early November had an unexpected side effect, at least for those who do not usually follow Chinese developments. Though having just bombastically signed with the United States a commitment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, China made clear it will only abide by … Read more

“Every Woman Dies but not Every Woman Truly Lives”

At the time Brittany Maynard was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer Donielle Wilde, of Charlotte, North Carolina, was given an equally somber diagnosis of stage four breast cancer. The similarities between the two stop there. Donielle was pregnant with her tenth child and was given two unacceptable options that could save her … Read more

Worshipping at the Altar of Egalitarianism

It would be difficult to find a system more tyrannical than the modern day egalitarian revolution which militantly promotes absolute equality. No where is this philosophy more apparent than in the homosexual movement. Not content with their recent equality gains regarding service in the military, marriage and adoption, they are now fighting … Read more

China: Another “Miracle” of Land Reform

After decades of socialist exploitation, more than 40% of China’s arable lands are degraded, lamented the official New China news agency quoted by Reuters. The Chinese people are rich in qualities of various types, which can be appreciated in countless and wonderful works of art. On their artistic ceramics, delicate paintings and … Read more

The Ferguson Riots and the Tale of Two Americas

Most Americans are puzzled by the events centered on Ferguson, Mo. Judging from the reactions online, many Americans see this as a form of insanity. The riots and other acts to disrupt peace seem irrational and disproportionate. A common comment on online news services voiced the sentiments of many very clearly, “Is … Read more

China’s Growing Export of Instruments of Torture

China's Growing Export of Instruments of Torture

China makes and exports an increasing number of torture instruments for use by special police squads, including material designed to repress mass riots and violate human rights, Madrid’s daily El País reported. According to Amnesty International and the Omega Foundation, today more Chinese companies than ever are making these instruments of terror … Read more

26 University Professors: “Scientific Atheism” Is Not Based on Science

26 University Professors: “Scientific Atheism” Is Not Based on Science

Twenty-six chaired professors in various scientific areas who teach or work in fourteen universities in Spain have published a book to debunk the alleged incompatibility between religion and science spread by “materialist scientists,” Spain’s Infocatólica news agency reported. The book was published one week after scientist Stephen Hawking reiterated he does not … Read more

Ebola and ISIS: Double Threat to the World

Ebola has been a headline in the news for the last few months, and rightly so. The pernicious virus has thus far claimed the lives of over 5,000 people who have died very terrible deaths. The fear surrounding it is real since Ebola is particularly violent and painful. The infected person’s internal … Read more

Why a Conservative Victory is Not Enough

The latest elections proved beyond a doubt that America is a conservative nation. Despite everything, conservative ideas still resonate strongly with many Americans and definitely have a future. But a simple victory is not enough. This is because the present victory does not explain everything. While conservatives just won in 2014, they … Read more
