On the Brink of Death, Hans Kung, Theologian of “Church Self-Destruction,” Pleads for Suicide

After dedicating his life to developing a “progressivist” theology that justifies the “self-destruction” of the Church and her ominous invasion by the “smoke of Satan” (in the words of Paul VI), Swiss theologian Hans Kung is preparing to appear before God, the Belgian news agency Infocatho reported. Yet in Kung’s theology, adopted … Read more

The Smartphone: A Double Edged Sword

Technology, the work-saving redeemer of previous centuries, seems to be backfiring. As workers become more dependent on the modern equivalent of the steam engine, the smartphone, one should presumably find more time for recreation, rest and family interaction. After all, machines were meant to make work easier and free up time. Nevertheless, … Read more

What Does it Take to Get Half a Million Frenchmen in the Streets?

Close to 530,000 French paraded in Paris and Bordeaux on October 5 against artificial insemination for lesbian couples (medically assisted procreation or PMA) and the so-called womb-for-rent system (surrogate pregnancy or GPA, in its French acronym) to favor homosexual couples. These procedures are currently illegal in France and cannot be funded by … Read more

Iraqi Catholics: “We’d Rather Die Than Convert to Islam”

“It is better to die than to pervert ourselves,” Iraqi Catholics fleeing from Islamist terrorists bravely told the Italian daily Corriere della Sera. Despite idyllic beliefs and ecumenical illusions, radical Islamists who embrace Allah’s supposedly “peaceful religion” are brutally slaughtering not only Christians but also Muslims not deemed sufficiently faithful. Catholics, however, … Read more

The ISIS Problem: Wrong Beliefs Expressed Savagely

The late Sen. Eugene McCarthy once said that only two kinds of religion are permitted in America: strong beliefs vaguely expressed or vague beliefs strongly expressed. In a similar way, it could be said that the same formula applies to political beliefs. Keeping everything vague is the basis of a general consensus … Read more

Beijing Wants Its Own “Liberation Theology”

China wants to develop a “Christian theology” compatible with Chinese culture and socialism, said the head of the State Administration for Religious Affairs Wang Zuo’an as reported by the Paris daily Le Figaro. Zuo’an Wang told the official China Daily they will develop a “Chinese Christian theology. . . adapted to the … Read more

China Clamps Down on An “Umbrella Revolution”

Hong Kong, one of the world’s major financial capitals, is the scene of violent clashes between the police on one hand, and students and young people on the other. The issue has been festering for several years, but this time it has acquired unparalleled proportions. It is being called the “umbrella revolution” … Read more

Colombia: Biden, FARC, and the Lawless

Colombia: Biden, FARC, and the Lawless

A few weeks ago in the state of Cordoba, in northern Colombia, FARC narco-guerrillas laughed uproariously as they fired on a group of police officers they ambushed. Seven policemen were killed, and survivors narrated details of their assailants’ sinister laughter (El Heraldo, Colombia, 9/19/14). This bloody mockery of law and order, which … Read more

Chinese Space Base in Patagonia Fit for Military Purpose

The installation of a Chinese space station in Argentina’s Patagonia, not far from the border with Chile, has caused serious concerns in the region, the Buenos Aires newspaper La Nación reported. Construction of the base began even without the required approval of the Argentine Congress after the signing of an agreement between … Read more
