9,077 Rosary Rallies to Blanket America on Oct. 13

9,077 Rosary Rallies to Blanket America on Oct. 13 2

Contact: Francis Slobodnik Organizations: The American TFP and America Needs Fatima Phone: 717-225-7147 ext 236 Website: www.TFP.org Website: www.americaneedsfatima.org HANOVER, Penn., October 10, 2012 — In town squares across America and in 35 foreign countries, members and volunteers of America Needs Fatima will hold a record-breaking 9,077 Public Square Rosary Rallies on … Read more

Facing Negotiations With the Marxist Guerrillas: Secret Capitulation Will Never Bring True Peace

Press Release: Secret Capitulation Will Never Bring True Peace 2

""""[vc_column_text] Facing Negotiations With the Marxist Guerrillas: Secret Capitulation Will Never Bring True Peace (Published in El Tiempo, Colombia’s highest circulation daily newspaper, on October 19, 2012 by the Sociedad Colombiana Tradición y Acción.) [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]""[vc_column width=”1/6″][/vc_column][vc_column width=”2/3″][vc_message message_box_color=”grey” icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-angle-right”]President Juan Manuel Santos wants to impose on us a nation designed by … Read more

Slave Work: Prisoner Exploitation in Cuba’s State Factories

Slave Work: Prisoner Exploitation in Cuba’s State Factories 5

The Cuban state factory, Provari, makes a number of items, from bricks and mattresses all the way to artifacts and souvenirs for tourists and even insecticide. However, as dissidents have denounced, most of their workers are “slave workers.” They are prisoners who work unprotected and receive negligible salaries or no salary at … Read more

China: Bishop Renounces the Marxist Regime and Disappears

China: Bishop Renounces the Marxist Regime and Disappears 2

The consecration of the new auxiliary Bishop of Shanghai agreed upon by both the Holy See and the Chinese Communist government, had a very unexpected outcome. Bishop Thaddeus Ma Daqin refused the imposition of hands of Bishop Zhan Silu, “official” bishop of Mindong affiliated with the anti-Christian dictatorship and not recognized by … Read more

Cuba’s Health Care Utopia Crumbles

Cuba’s Health Care Utopia Crumbles 2

Liberal socialistic politicians consistently promise utopia and deliver misery. One way they do this is by pointing to “successful” programs in socialist nations as models for American problems. Cuba’s wonderful universal health care program has been one of these models for decades. But now it seems this program — sometimes touted as … Read more

Homosexual Commercial Tyranny

Homosexual Commercial Tyranny 2

A chill has just fallen upon the markets in Vermont as business owners can now be forced to do business against their consciences. A Roman Catholic family was recently sued by two lesbians from New York who wanted to use The Wildflower Inn in Lyndonville, Vermont as the site for a homosexual … Read more

The Death of a Civilization Immersed in Sin

The Death of a Civilization Immersed in Sin 2

The once Christian Western world is gradually sinking into a sea of mud in ever-thickening darkness. Vice and error are glorified as virtue and truth is persecuted. People no longer boast of moral righteousness and of the rule of reason but of libertinism, irrationality and the “deconstruction” of the concepts which sustain … Read more

If You Want Economic Success, Promote Virtue

If You Want Economic Success, Promote Virtue 2

In its quest to become a dominant world economic power, China has run into yet another obstacle it cannot solve. Atheist Communism fosters vice and rampant corruption, yet a long-term successful economy depends upon a climate of trust found in Christian virtue. So how can China reconcile the fundamentally incompatible two ideals? … Read more

Playing Games with Our Wars and War with Our Games

Playing Games with Our Wars and War with Our Games 4

The object of war is very simple: victory. The combatants engage in a very physical struggle to resolve a crisis that generally has failed by other more diplomatic means. It is a battle where the stakes are high and the life or death of men and the future of nations is in … Read more