Venezuela’s Socialist Utopia is out of Gas

Resource rich Venezuela, which boasts of having some of largest oil reserves in the world, has now reached an all time low in petroleum production. The exportation of crude oil used to account for 95 percent of Venezuela’s export earnings until, the late socialist savior, Hugo Chávez began to re-distribute the country’s … Read more

Why Do Our Comedians Kill Themselves?

Why Do Our Comedians Kill Themselves?

The tragic suicide of comedian Robin Williams contains many lessons. Everyone is quick to point out the contradictions of his life. Here was a man who had everything the world had to offer to fill his life—money, fame and an entertaining lifestyle. And yet far from satisfying him, he was left with … Read more

Is This the Big One?

There is a major financial storm brewing on the horizon. Such dramatic statements have long been the staple of naysayers for decades. Usually these warnings are dismissed by the financial establishment as the ravings of fringe analysts. Yes, crashes do happen, but the naysayers are never seen as prophets, but just opportunists … Read more

Five Reasons to Pick on Piketty

Five Reasons to Pick on Piketty

In the continuing debate on inequality, there are many who point to Thomas Piketty as a kind of secular prophet who can offer words of wisdom. The French economist certainly has plenty of words that can be found in his worldwide bestseller, a weighty 700-page work called Capital in the Twenty-First Century. … Read more

Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Cries Out for Help

Ukrainian Catholic Archbishop Cries Out for Help

As Ukraine celebrated its Independence Day on August 24, the Greek-Catholic Archbishop of Kiev, Most Rev. Sviatoslav Shevchuk sought to alert the world about the oppression Christians are suffering in his country. In an open letter to the bishops’ conferences and political authorities around the world, Archbishop Shevchuk issued a cry for … Read more

Pro-Choice: The Choice of Failure

Pro-Choice: The Choice of Failure 2

In a stunning exposé revealing the truth about the abortion movement, Time Magazine ran a January 2013 cover article titled “Roe v. Wade, They’ve Been Losing Ever Since.” Young women and politicians alike are distancing themselves from the abortion industry and have now even chosen to depart from their cherished cliché—pro-choice. Leftists … Read more

It’s China’s Turn to Resurrect Cuba

After decades of pumping money into the Cuban prison island, Russia’s efforts ceased due to its own failed economy in 1991. The Russian bear was left hanging with $35 billion in uncollectable debt. Now China’s President Xi Jinping wants to try his hand at fixing the irreparable. He now intends to not … Read more
