Clergy Abuses — Abuses of Clergy

Clergy Abuses — Abuses of Clergy 2

In recent years the media have been vicious in their attacks against the Catholic clergy for even the slightest hint of sexual abuse that have come to light. However, the same media have been almost unconcerned when it comes to practically identical abuse cases. A case of non-reaction happened right under the … Read more

Chinese Communists Need “Learning Classes”

Chinese Communists Need “Learning Classes” 2

The Union of Catholic Asian News has reported that Coadjutor Bishop Peter Shaos Zhumin of Wenzhou and his chancellor Father Paul Jiang Sunian were kidnapped this week and forced to attend state run “learning classes.” Local Church sources quoted government officials as saying, “if Bishop Shao and Father Jiang are ‘intelligent enough … Read more

Colonel Gerald Turley: Hero of the Easter Offensive

Colonel Gerald Turley: Hero of the Easter Offensive 1

The history of the twentieth century saw the spread of communism the world over and the virtual river of blood left in its wake was unprecedented. Communist expansion was greatly facilitated in the West through subtle psychological maneuvers and a policy of appeasement which weakened the anti-communist’s will to resist. From ping … Read more

Green and Equal

Green and Equal 2

Imagine being subject to laws that cannot be followed and being fined for not fulfilling this impossible obligation. This is the great dilemma faced by owners of hundreds of thousands of public pools that are now required to install wheelchair lifts and ramps in their pools, or else face fines and lawsuits … Read more

Obamacare’s Utopian Anti-Natalist Ideology

Obamacare’s Utopian Anti-Natalist Ideology 2

There is no question as to the desirability of an efficient, quick and humane health-care system that would cover everyone. However, common sense suggests and actual attempts made around the world to achieve such universal coverage have shown that it is nothing but a dream, an unattainable utopia. The Dangers of Bureaucratizing … Read more

The Revenge of the Polar Bears

The Revenge of the Polar Bears 2

Let’s face it. Times are getting rough for radical ecologists. It is bad enough that their global warming conferences seem to coincide with sub-zero weather patterns. And then there is the problem of fossil fuels. Just when they declare the world has reached “peak oil” production, the energy industry ruins everything and … Read more

Murder on Demand

Murder on Demand 2

The culture of death is again attempting to rationalize infanticide with a kinder, gentler euphemism they call “after-birth abortions.” The central tenet of this latest approach revolves around the relativist argument that if a child can be killed in the mother’s womb for reasons of convenience, then why not murder the child … Read more

Are Dolphins Really Persons?

Are Dolphins Really Persons? 2

It seems that animal rights advocates are never satisfied. Now researchers are attempting to demonstrate that dolphins and whales are so intelligent that they should be recognized as “non-human persons” and accorded their own bill of rights. One simple question remains to be answered: How can one recognize personhood without solid evidence … Read more

Britain’s HealthCare Disaster; Our Model

Britain’s HealthCare Disaster; Our Model

Britain imposed socialized healthcare in 1948 with the creation of the National Health Service [NHS]. Then Labor Minister Dr. David Owen predicted, “We were going to finance everything, cure the nation and then spending would drop.” This was pure blind hubris. Sixty-four years were wasted in an attempt to prove that socialized … Read more

Give Back Our Moral Freedom!

Give Back Our Moral Freedom! 2

""""[vc_column_text] How Obamacare Forces Americans to Pay for Abortions They Don’t Want The current debate on Obamacare’s contraception mandate is focused on forcing Catholic institutions and all pro-life Americans to violate their consciences and pay for insurance policies that provide sterilization, and contraceptive and abortifacient drugs. The uproar tends to make us … Read more