Wind Turbines Have Run Afoul

Wind Turbines Have Run Afoul 2

The Obama administration announced that it will allow wind turbines to kill or injure two American icons, the endangered bald and golden eagles. This can now be done without the fear of prosecution for up to 30 years. Not only are wind farms as ugly as industrial smoke stacks; it appears that … Read more

Appeal to Colombian Government: Don’t Give in to FARC

Appeal to Colombian Government: Don’t Give in to FARC 2

On December 13, the Colombian Society for Tradition and Action published in Bogota’s daily El Tiempo a hard-hitting statement on the peace process being negotiated with the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC), the Marxist guerrilla movement that has terrorized the nation for decades. The full-page position paper titled “You Cannot Fool … Read more

Protest in Ukraine Against Russia Return

As a sovereign nation, Ukraine had been negotiating to reach accord favoring closer relations with the European Union. Despite the negative aspects that this rapprochement could bring, its positive effects would far outweigh the former, as it would free Ukraine from the oppressive grip of Russia and guarantee the country’s independence. However, … Read more

Third World Politics Produce Third World Results

Third World Politics Produce Third World Results 1

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting different results. As Nicholas Maduro, former bus driver and now-president of Venezuela, was giving a speech unveiling his grand socialistic plan, a curious thing occurred throughout the country—a massive blackout silenced his rhetoric. Meanwhile, back in California, there are … Read more

Cuba’s Free Trade Farce

With more than 54 years of consistent economic failure to their credit, Cuba’s communist dictators, the Castro brothers, are now about to show the world how to do business by building a new deep-sea port in the small town of Mariel, 30 minutes from Havana. This new port will boast of being … Read more

Trappist Monks Make the World’s Best Beer

Trappist Monks Make the World’s Best Beer

For many years, Westvleteren XII beer, produced at the Abbey of Saint Sixtus of Westvleteren (Belgium) has been chosen as the world’s best by thousands of experts. This year it was voted the “Best Beer in the World.” As a result of the beer’s popularity, demand for this beer has skyrocketed while supply has … Read more

In Venezuela, Happiness for All—By Decree

Venezuelans are happy, or at least, will be soon. This claim is guaranteed by President Nicolás Maduro, “heir” of Hugo Chávez, who recently created a “Deputy Ministry of Supreme Social Happiness.” Although bizarre, this measure should not surprise anyone since, as is virtually everything in Venezuela, happiness becomes a matter of national … Read more

ENDA: The Rotten Fruit of the Sixties

ENDA: The Rotten Fruit of the Sixties 2

During the sixties, catchy phrases such as “it’s forbidden to forbid,” circulated among the protesters that filled universities worldwide. The ideas that circulated in the spring of 1968 are now producing their rotten fruit. It is painfully evident, for example, that the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) is a radical implementation of the … Read more

Environmentalist Psychosis — Interview with Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza

Environmentalist Psychosis — Interview with Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza 2

Brazil’s Agência Boa Imprensa (ABIM) has interviewed Prince Bertrand of Orleans-Braganza about his recent book Environmentalist Psychosis, which denounces the ongoing ‘eco-terrorist’ campaign on climate change waged by the adepts of global warming. Prince Bertrand is an outspoken writer and speaker and a member of Brazil’s royal house and a direct descendent of … Read more
