Do Higher Taxes Really Produce Higher Revenue

Do Higher Taxes Really Produce Higher Revenue 3

With all the discussions about tax rates and the prodigious amount of municipal deficits, our politicians and media tell us that we must increase tax rates to survive. One is left with the hollow feeling that there are no options and we must raise taxes regardless of the effects to stave off … Read more

China’s Re-Education Camps

China’s Re-Education Camps 1

An estimated 190,000 to 2 million Chinese are incarcerated for various reasons. The prisoners include religious and political dissidents, unregistered Christians and counter-revolutionaries. They are victims of trumped-up charges brought against them by local police, who then place them in horrible “re-education camps” with sentences of up to four years without a … Read more

What about Gun Violence in Brazil?

What about Gun Violence in Brazil? 4

There are plenty of people who point to countries with fewer guns as models for the United States. However, there are few who take notice of Brazil, a country with far fewer guns that still manages to have much greater gun violence and death.No one seems to take note, but the numbers … Read more

Crumbling BRICs

Crumbling BRICs 2

Considering the media buzz surrounding the rising emergent markets, one might think that the American economy is doomed to be overtaken by new players in the market. The future belongs to the BRICs – that acronym has been given to the four highest performers in these markets, Brazil, Russia, India and China. … Read more

A Generation of Monsters

A Generation of Monsters 3

Everyone can agree that the horrific massacre of innocent grade-school children in Newtown, Conn. was truly monstrous. It was an event that defies the imagination to conceive how someone might do something so cruel and inhuman. Worse yet, this is not an isolated incident. Similar cases are occurring with greater frequency, prompting … Read more

“Arab Spring” or Islamist Expansionism?

“Arab Spring” or Islamist Expansionism? 2

Fr. Samir Khalil Samir is a renowned Egyptian Jesuit expert in the Islamic world. He recently made an analysis of the “Arab Spring” and its evolution as well as the confusing and dangerous situation in Syria. Given its interest, we summarize some of his remarks below. Egypt: From one Dictatorship to Another The … Read more

China: The Ultimate Child Abuse Center

China: The Ultimate Child Abuse Center 2

China boasts of being a major economic power. In fact, China’s leader, Hu Jintao has recently set a goal of doubling China’s 2010 GDP and per-capita income by 2020. However, while Communist leaders are obsessed with economic power, it does so at great an expense. Notwithstanding the exaggerated numbers of its financial … Read more

UPS Bullies Boy Scouts

UPS Bullies Boy Scouts 2

Shipping giant United Parcel Service (UPS) recently went limp and failed to flex its financial muscle in the Cultural War by giving in to demands of the homosexual lobby and cutting funding to the Boy Scouts of America (BSA). Under the pretext of “anti-discrimination,” UPS has discriminated against the honorable policy maintained … Read more

The Crescent That Stole Christmas

The Crescent That Stole Christmas 2

City officials in Brussels have announced that the traditional Christmas tree will not be displayed in the public square due to concerns that it might offend the minority Muslim population. It seems that the insanity of political correctness is reaching a frenzied apex. Now, any reference to Christianity whatsoever will not be … Read more

The Last Twinkie

The Last Twinkie 1

From an economic point of view, it was an almost insignificant event. A major American firm lamentably went bankrupt as many do. These things are to be expected in the present financial climate. However, from a cultural point of view, this particular failure, and the manner in which it happened, resonated deeply … Read more
