Beyond The Digital Divide

A huge geo-social gorge has suddenly appeared on the nation’s political landscape, and nearly everyone is talking about it. This strange chasm unites politicians of all parties into demanding immediate action. Educators, too, have placed it high on their agenda. What is this yawning gash that must be bridged at all cost? … Read more

Assault on the Soul

While industrialization has brought material comfort in the form of technological gains, it is painfully clear that something spiritual is missing in life. Cold, lifeless materialism reigns supreme. If one thing characterizes the modern world, it is its uncanny ability to reduce the highest spiritual reality to material or digital irrelevance. In … Read more

A Postmodern Meditation on Death

Of all Catholic meditations, none is more wholesome than that on death. Catholic authors like Saint Alphonsus Liguori wrote passionately and extensively on the subject; modern homiletics seems to avoid it like the plague. The topic remains ever timely nevertheless. Death comes to all in all epochs. It marks the conclusion of … Read more

Flight from Temperance

Machines are ever more plentiful and useful, but something more important, more spiritual, is being lost One of the greatest influences of the Industrial Revolution on society was perhaps its ability to mechanize our lives. In a materialistic world, which adores speed, it seems only natural that matter and speed come together … Read more

Remembering Cuba’s Victims of Communism


After the fall of the Berlin Wall, many Americans seem to have forgotten that just 90 miles south of Florida is a communist gulag that continues to persecute its people. Every year, thousands of Cubans brave the open sea on makeshift rafts trying to make it to Florida, risking their lives rather … Read more

Reflections on a Soldier

Reflections on a Soldier

There is something about a soldier that fascinates and attracts. I think it has to do with the soldier’s commitment and the fact that he puts his life on the line for a cause. Of course, not just any soldier fits the bill. It is the combat soldier that really attracts attention … Read more

Carrying a Big Stick

Carrying a Big Stick 1

Of all the world’s problematic regimes, North Korea certainly ranks among the worst. This has been manifested recently in their tests of long-range missiles and nuclear arms, both of which are forbidden under current agreements with the rogue nation. On a more personal note, the recent arrest and sentencing of American journalists … Read more

Showdown at Roy’s Rock

Showdown at Roy’s Rock

It is not the case to discuss the legal dispute surrounding the Ten Commandments monument at the state judicial building in Alabama. Chief Justice Roy Moore’s failure to comply with the federal court order is not the real issue. However, it is the case to address the poignant symbolism of the brutal … Read more

Looking Upon a Nation Divided

Looking Upon a Nation Divided 2

No one questions the fact that America is now a nation divided. The 2004 elections served only to highlight a polarization that has been long in the making. What surprised many was the primary cause of this division. It was not wars, Medicare benefits or matters of self-interest that galvanized the country. … Read more