Repackaging the Free Market in Zimbabwe

Repackaging the Free Market in Zimbabwe 2

When Zimbabwe’s socialist government decreed a land reform program in 2000, revolutionary mobs invaded farms and evicted from their lands almost all of the nation’s white commercial farmers. These farmers, African-born and raised, turned the landlocked southern African nation into the breadbasket of the region. Their production of corn, tobacco and other … Read more

Is Hell Really A Deterrent To Crime?

Is Hell Really A Deterrent To Crime? 2

A recent study by psychology Professor Azim F. Shariff from the University of Oregon, supports in part what the Catholic Church has been teaching for the last 2,000 years about justice and Hell. Professor Shariff made a comprehensive analysis of 26 years of data involving 143,197 people from 67 countries and discovered … Read more

The Syrian Frying Pan and the al-Qaeda Fire

The Syrian Frying Pan and the al-Qaeda Fire 2

The media are all afire with sensational reports of Syrian atrocities and civilian casualties. There are calls for Western intervention to aid the opposition which are the latest protagonists in a new chapter of the “Arab Spring.” Syria is yet another opportunity to let democracy flower in the Middle Eastern desert. Granted … Read more

For Freedom Of Speech, Just Turn Left

For Freedom Of Speech, Just Turn Left 2

Mariela Castro, the daughter of dictator Raúl Castro, was given a visa to come to the United States to speak out for “LGBT rights.” The irony of this fact is that she comes from a nation where there is no free speech and our State Department defended the decision to grant her … Read more

Gender Equality Run Amok

Gender Equality Run Amok 2

The politically correct idea of equality seems to know no bounds. Sweden has just introduced a new gender-neutral pronoun — hen. In the Swedish language, he is han and she is hon. Now it seems Sweden’s educational establishment is set upon using the nation’s preschools national curriculum to abolish gender distinction among … Read more

For Catholics, the Contraception Mandate Is Unacceptable

For Catholics, the Contraception Mandate Is Unacceptable 2

The HHS mandate requiring health plans, including those of Catholics, to provide contraceptives and abortifacients has created a clear opposition between this Administration and the Catholic faith. Indeed, if a Catholic does not have the right to practice morals according to the dictates of nature and Revelation, then his freedom to be … Read more

Cry For Argentina

Cry For Argentina 2

Evita Peron once said, “One cannot accomplish anything without fanaticism.” If fanaticism can be defined as enthusiasm not guided by principles, then it appears that today’s Argentina is following in Evita’s footsteps. Its president, Cristina Kirchner, has just taken the fanatically and unprincipled move of stealing the majority stake in the country’s … Read more

Clergy Abuses — Abuses of Clergy

Clergy Abuses — Abuses of Clergy 2

In recent years the media have been vicious in their attacks against the Catholic clergy for even the slightest hint of sexual abuse that have come to light. However, the same media have been almost unconcerned when it comes to practically identical abuse cases. A case of non-reaction happened right under the … Read more

Chinese Communists Need “Learning Classes”

Chinese Communists Need “Learning Classes” 2

The Union of Catholic Asian News has reported that Coadjutor Bishop Peter Shaos Zhumin of Wenzhou and his chancellor Father Paul Jiang Sunian were kidnapped this week and forced to attend state run “learning classes.” Local Church sources quoted government officials as saying, “if Bishop Shao and Father Jiang are ‘intelligent enough … Read more

Colonel Gerald Turley: Hero of the Easter Offensive

Colonel Gerald Turley: Hero of the Easter Offensive 1

The history of the twentieth century saw the spread of communism the world over and the virtual river of blood left in its wake was unprecedented. Communist expansion was greatly facilitated in the West through subtle psychological maneuvers and a policy of appeasement which weakened the anti-communist’s will to resist. From ping … Read more
