What the 2006 Elections Were Not

What the 2006 Elections Were Not

What the 2006 Elections Were Not While many discuss what the 2006 elections represented, perhaps it is better to discuss what the elections did not represent. The 2006 elections were not about voter satisfaction. They reflected unrest and uncertainty about the future. The 2006 elections were not only about issues. Voters strongly … Read more

Sony’s Domestic Da Vinci Code Profits Go up in Smoke

Sony’s Domestic Da Vinci Code Profits Go up in Smoke

In the second-largest electronics recall in history, Sony Corporation is set to replace six million potentially explosive batteries installed in Apple and Dell laptop computers. It is estimated that this recall could cost Sony a whopping $256 million, nearly a fourth of its profits for this year. The recall was due to … Read more

Bolivia: The Next Cuba?

Bolivia: The Next Cuba?

As the chasm separating Latin American nations deepens, worrisome events in Bolivia reveal how the dictator-rulers of Cuba and Venezuela operate. To understand the Bolivian situation, it helps to look over the Latin American scene and analyze the roles of its principal actors. Fidel Castro took power in Cuban coup forty-seven years … Read more

Peace, Peace, and There Is No Peace: Jeremais 6:14

Peace, Peace, and There Is No Peace: Jeremais 6:14 1

We live in apocalyptic times. Natural catastrophes come in succession, joining the sinister cortege of wars, terrorist attacks, and huge increases in crime. Indeed in some countries crime has become so organized as to threaten even national stability. The family is being eroded and the youth corrupted in a hedonistic pursuit that … Read more

Embryonic Stem Cell Delirium

Embryonic Stem Cell Delirium 1

Most have already seen the stem cell news stories. A handicapped person is shown in a wheelchair suffering from his malady. The picture changes to a laboratory where research is taking place. The message: embryonic stem cell research will cure the poor suffering person. The screen then focuses on a conservative politician … Read more

The Innocent Suffer and the Guilty Go Free?

The Innocent Suffer and the Guilty Go Free?

The Innocent Suffer and the Guilty Go Free? In state legislatures across the nation, a mania is spreading to introduce bills to lift or extend retroactively statutes of limitations related to sexual abuse. The bills will permit thousands of civil tort lawsuits to be brought not against offending priests, religious or bishops … Read more

The War of Words: What is an Insurgent?

The War of Words: What is an Insurgent? 1

It is said a picture is worth a thousand words, but a well chosen word can make an otherwise clear picture, quite obscure. This became very evident for me recently as I read an Associated Press article1 about how 76 insurgents were killed in fierce fighting. For some time now, I have … Read more

They Shall Not Be Forgotten: Remembering the Victims of Katyn

They Shall Not Be Forgotten: Remembering the Victims of Katyn 1

Reflecting on the sad state to which Communism had reduced him one cold autumn evening in 1948, Whittaker Chambers describes feeling that he no longer had the will to continue his struggles against the Communist party. “It was that death of the will which Communism, with great cunning, always tries to induce … Read more