Do Sports, Not Religion

Do Sports, Not Religion 2

Sports columns everywhere are peppered with nasty comments about the Denver Bronco phenomenon Tim Tebow. They complain not so much about his quarterback abilities but the fact that he seems to be going against the grain of the mainstream liberal sports establishment by actually practicing what he professes publicly — his Christianity. … Read more

The Emotion Police

The Emotion Police 2

If the elaborate funeral ceremonies were not enough, it appears that North Korea is now sending in the “emotion police to chastise those who have not sufficiently mourned the late communist despot, Kim Jong-il. A shocking article published in the Daily NK, titled, “Harsh Punishments For Poor Mourning,”  reports that the police … Read more

Tax The Rich?

Tax The Rich? 2

With all the current economic woes, liberals are recommending a false solution that will create a vicious circle: increase taxes and increase spending. It has, of course, been tried in the past. When one points out the failure of this program, liberals will simply say they need more time and money to … Read more

A Fuelish Solution

A Fuelish Solution 1

It seems all the talk about peak energy production is a bit premature as the argument of abruptly declining fossil fuels is fizzling. Recent discoveries of vast oil reserves in North America have exceeded 1.7 trillion barrels, 1.4 trillion in the U.S. alone which is more oil than the entire world has … Read more

CHINA: Life-saver or Greatest Global Threat?

CHINA: Life-saver or Greatest Global Threat? 10

Everyone’s eyes are turned to China, the Middle Kingdom, whose dizzying economic growth never ceases to draw exaggerated praise. However, we are also facing the growing military might of a government that not only has not renounced the Marxist ideology but still maintains the relentless repression typical of Communist police states. Thus, … Read more

Men of Honor II: From the Greatest to the Latest Generation

Men of Honor World War Doolittle Raiders Vietnam Afganistan American POW Veterans

“For those who fought for it,” said an unknown soldier, “freedom has a meaning the protected will never know.” A collection of military giants who fought for freedom convened in Washington, D.C. for the 14th Annual Veterans Conference, put on by the American Veterans Center. Soldiers, Marines, Sailors and Airmen from the … Read more

What I Saw at Occupy Wall Street

What I Saw at Occupy Wall Street 2

Soon after entering the protest perimeter at Zuccotti Park a piece of communist propaganda was thrust into my hand. The flier starts: “It’s not just Wall Street… capitalism must be destroyed.” As I continued reading, other lines jumped off the page: “Only communism can live up to the aspirations the Occupy Wall … Read more

The Cold Chill of Global Warming Politics

Modern science used to pride itself on its insistence on doubting everything and establishing the truth of things based on empirical data. Often the lone scientist would work hard against the common assumptions and make great breakthroughs and discoveries. It seems such ideas about science are becoming old-fashioned and romantic. Today’s scientists … Read more

Jobs, Jobs, Jobs!

Today, jobs are all the rage. Everyone is talking about jobs and how to create them. Jobs for workers, students, veterans and older people. It is the mania of jobs, jobs, jobs! It does not seem to matter what the jobs are and how they are created. The most important thing is … Read more

The Lessons of 9/11

The Lessons of 9/11 5

On the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terrorist attacks, it is fitting that we reflect on what has changed in America. Of course, no one doubts that 9/11 was a defining point in our history. All remember where they were on that fateful day. However, we would venture to say that 9/11 … Read more
