The Dangers of Mushroom Democracies

The Dangers of Mushroom Democracies 2

There are those who believe that democracies are born like mushrooms. They believe popular movements suddenly pop up and form governments after years of oppressive rule under cruel dictators. The role of the West is to support these popular movements and everything will come out fine. Unfortunately such a vision seems to … Read more

2+2=5: The Case for Number Equality

There are so many politically correct causes out there that it would not surprise me that even the most basic truths might be called into question. For example, I was taught in my arithmetic class in primary school that 2+3=5 and any other answer would defeat the arithmetic purpose of counting. However, … Read more

Can’t the Pro-Life American Be Treated with Civility?

About the only thing more certain than the fact that hundreds of thousands of pro-life Americans go out into the streets nationwide every January 22 is the fact that the official establishment media will ignore or belittle their efforts. As activists nationwide gather on the date of the fateful Roe v. Wade … Read more

Massacre at Mass in Baghdad

Massacre at Mass in Baghdad 2

Imagine a Friday afternoon in Detroit with a mosque full of praying followers of Mohammed. Suddenly, several armed “Christian” terrorists invade the premises, kill the imam and take the worshipers hostage. When they begin to lose the ensuing firefight with police and military who rush to the scene, they explode some bombs. … Read more

Looking for Solutions to Our Leadership Crisis

Looking for Solutions to Our Leadership Crisis 1

Nobody disputes the fact that we face a crisis of leadership. Everyone is looking for the answers we need to unite the country and present real solutions. The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has entered into this debate with the launching of a new website called … Read more

American TFP condemns Koran burning


The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family, and Property—TFP categorically condemns the Sept 11, 2010 advertised burning of the Koran by the pastor of a Gainesville, Florida church and its congregation. The act is wrong for several reasons. However, we call the public’s attention to a perspective we believe has … Read more

The Ground Zero Mosque and the Clash of Symbols

The Ground Zero Mosque and the Clash of Symbols 2

If on December 7, 1944, three years after “a date which will live in infamy,” local government officials in Hawaii had allowed a group of Japanese to erect a Shinto shrine at Pearl Harbor, how would Americans nationwide have reacted? Yet are we not seeing in Lower Manhattan an analogous situation, with … Read more

Luxembourg Parliament Poised to Legalize Abortion on Demand

Luxembourg Parliament Poised to Legalize Abortion on Demand 2

The Luxembourg Parliament will soon be voting on a new bill that would essentially legalize abortion on demand, suppress parental authorization for minors and shorten the reflection period after an abortion consultation to just three days. The American TFP is inviting its friends and supporters to send their protest against this blatant … Read more
