Luxembourg Parliament Poised to Legalize Abortion on Demand

Luxembourg Parliament Poised to Legalize Abortion on Demand 2

The Luxembourg Parliament will soon be voting on a new bill that would essentially legalize abortion on demand, suppress parental authorization for minors and shorten the reflection period after an abortion consultation to just three days. The American TFP is inviting its friends and supporters to send their protest against this blatant … Read more

The Battle of the Blood

The Battle of the Blood 4

In the final analysis, the military is all about blood. Wars are waged in the field of blood. We ask our soldiers to be disposed at any time to shed their blood for our country. So impressive is this great sacrifice that we can figuratively say that in the young soldiers’ veins, flows … Read more

Global Warming Advocates Can’t Take the Heat

Global Warming Advocates Can’t Take the Heat 2

Times are not too kind to global warming advocates. Besieged by reports of data falsification and shoddy academic work, they are facing a crisis of credibility which, to use their rhetoric, might well be of “apocalyptic” proportions. One case in point is Phil Jones, head of the Climate Research Unit (CRU) housed … Read more

Blowing Up the Cross in Vietnam

Communism’s Brutal Face Is Very Visible Once again communism reared its ugly head dashing the false hopes of naïve optimists who keep clinging to the idea that communism is dead. Recent events in Vietnam reported in Catholic news media reveal that a brutal crackdown and campaign of violence and intimidation by hardliners … Read more

A Challenge to Our Lady of Fatima

A Challenge to Our Lady of Fatima 5

The Portuguese parliament’s approval of same-sex “marriage” on January 8 is shocking for many reasons. A Challenge to Our Lady of Fatima First, the fact itself legalizes a practice aberrant to nature and also discredits marriage. Then, this law was passed in the land of Our Lady of Fatima, as if defying … Read more

Compassion and Prayers for Haiti

Compassion and Prayers for Haiti

As we witness the unfolding of events in Haiti, we cannot help but be moved to have compassion on and pray for the victims of the recent earthquake in the capital of Port-Au-Prince. The country’s infrastructure is all but destroyed. Food, water, electricity and housing are scarce and chaos reigns in some … Read more

Hawaii Belongs in the Union

Hawaii Belongs in the Union 1

Among the measures used by the Left to attack the sovereignty of modern nations are legislative bills which carve out vast land areas for native and indigenous governments and homelands. One of three such bills sponsored this year by Sen. Daniel Akaka (D-HI) is already well advanced in the U.S. Congress. This … Read more

Health Care Reform and the Robin Hood Syndrome

In the current push for legislative health care reform one can discern the influence of the Robin Hood Syndrome, which consists in “stealing from the rich to give to the poor.” Thus, Sherwood Forest’s fabled robber presumably was the first to have practiced what now is euphemistically called “income redistribution.” The New … Read more
