Health Care Reform and the Robin Hood Syndrome

In the current push for legislative health care reform one can discern the influence of the Robin Hood Syndrome, which consists in “stealing from the rich to give to the poor.” Thus, Sherwood Forest’s fabled robber presumably was the first to have practiced what now is euphemistically called “income redistribution.” The New … Read more

Burial of an American Lady

Burial of an American Lady 1

On September 25, 2009, a small group of family and friends said their final farewell to Moline Blaylock Ripley. She died at her home in Annapolis, Md., on Saturday, September 12, 2009 at the age of 68. Moline was born in Bluefield, W.Va., on Pearl Harbor day, December 7, 1941, to Arnold … Read more

I Knew Jim Pouillon

I Knew Jim Pouillon 2

When I first heard of the recent murder of pro-lifer Jim Pouillon, I thought the name was familiar. When I saw a picture, I remembered. I met Mr. Pouillon at the University of Notre Dame back in May when activists from around the country went to protest against the honoring of a … Read more

Reflections on the Kennedy Funeral Mass

Reflections on the Kennedy Funeral Mass 2

The Mass celebrated on August 29 at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Basilica in Roxbury, Mass. in memory of Senator Edward Moore Kennedy is rightly causing scandal among Catholics, who see it as a posthumous glorification of the deceased Massachusetts politician, as well as a resounding approval of his pro-abortion and pro-homosexual … Read more

Everything Normal on Mappatella Beach

A series of pictures in Milan’s Corriere della Sera of July 31 shows a typical scene on a modern beach on a calm and pleasant day. Leaving aside the aspects of immorality and prosaism, everything seems normal on Mappatella Beach in the outskirts of Naples. Some beachgoers are sunbathing on the warm … Read more

Lisbon: The Nation Devouring Hydra

On July 15, The Irish Times published an opinion piece written by Green Party senator and spokeswoman, Déirdre de Búrca titled: “Lisbon Yes will make EU fit for global challenges.”  In it, she argues that the Lisbon Treaty is essential to empower the European Union so it can act effectively on the … Read more

The Campaign against Honduras, the Destruction of International Law and the Specter of Socialism

The Campaign against Honduras, the Destruction of International Law and the Specter of Socialism 2

The attitude of the international community toward the internal political affairs of Honduras threatens to undermine the foundations of international law and, therefore, of international order. It is fitting that we review what is at stake. All Countries are Equal Under the Law The fundamental principle of law that regulates relationships, both … Read more

Michael Jackson and the Emperor’s New Clothes

Michael Jackson and the Emperor's New Clothes

It is almost in an atmosphere of the Emperor’s New Clothes that we dare to comment on the recent death of Michael Jackson. As the eulogies come streaming in from all sides, highlighting his musical career and bizarre personal life, few are the voices that cry out like the little child that … Read more

Carrying a Big Stick

Carrying a Big Stick 1

Of all the world’s problematic regimes, North Korea certainly ranks among the worst. This has been manifested recently in their tests of long-range missiles and nuclear arms, both of which are forbidden under current agreements with the rogue nation. On a more personal note, the recent arrest and sentencing of American journalists Laura … Read more

The Pro-Abortion Movement’s Best Kept Secret

The Pro-Abortion Movement’s Best Kept Secret 2

In the wake of George Tiller’s killing, many pundits and pro-abortionists have tried to project the shadow of his assassination onto the entire pro-life movement. A June 2 Associated Press (AP) article titled: “Suspect in doctor killing railed against abortion” exemplifies the attempt. Although the AP professes to be an unbiased news … Read more
