“Good Saint Anne” Visits New York

“Good Saint Anne” Visits New York 3

Unheralded and unexpected, Bishop Marquis arrived at the rectory of Saint Jean Baptiste in New York City on a Sunday morning, May 1, 1892. Traveling from Rome to Quebec, he had stopped in New York to rest before continuing his trip. No sooner did Fr. Frederick Tetreau and his assistants learn of the … Read more

Marching with Confidence Against Abortion

Marching with Confidence Against Abortion 4

If anyone thought that the recent electoral setbacks had dampened the spirit of the pro-life movement, they had only to go to the March for Life in Washington, D.C. this January 22 to find out. They would have seen throngs of people packing the mall, streets and sidewalks as they marched upon … Read more

Mourning the Death of Paul M. Weyrich

Mourning the Death of Paul M. Weyrich

It is with great sadness that the American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) received the news of the death of Paul Weyrich, outstanding leader and mentor of the conservative movement. His efforts were of paramount importance in uniting conservatives for many decades. He moved moral issues into … Read more

Cardinal Denounces “Homosexual Ideology”

Cardinal Denounces “Homosexual Ideology” 2

In a book recently published in Italy, Sheep and Shepherds, the archbishop emeritus of Bologna, Giacomo Cardinal Biffi, denounces the “homosexual ideology.” In a scholarly but clear and accessible chapter on chastity, the Cardinal points out that, while keeping the respect due to persons, one must have a “necessary repudiation of any … Read more

Farewell to a Legend

Farewell to a Legend 8

The family and friends of Col. John Walter Ripley said their final goodbyes during a moving funeral ceremony on November 7, 2008 at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland. He was laid to rest with full military honors in a ceremony that left most attendees either teary-eyed or speechless. Among the … Read more

Victory in California: Like it or not, As California Goes…

Victory in California: Like it or not, As California Goes… 2

Amid the euphoria in the recent elections, three shining lights appeared on the horizon that the left is trying hard to ignore or explain away. The lights came as a killjoy to an otherwise festive occasion and raise serious questions about what the victory means. Indeed, if the elections were about a … Read more

The Next Capital Crunch

The Next Capital Crunch

To anyone who is watching the markets, it is obvious that our economy is in deep financial trouble. The immense amount of money pouring into the black hole of needed credit points to a crisis of unimaginable proportions that was long in the making. To anyone who is watching the markets, it … Read more

A Juggernaut of Anti-Catholicism

A Juggernaut of Anti-Catholicism 1

Little has been reported about ongoing violence in Orissa, India, the country’s 9th largest state in India with a population of 36.7 million, of which one percent are Catholic. Throughout the state, a significant anti-Catholic bias reigns. Converts tend to come from the lower castes of Indian society. They are despised as … Read more

A Chilling Wind of a Cold War

A Chilling Wind of a Cold War 1

If there is any conclusion that can be taken from the Russian invasion of Georgia, it is that there has been a major change in the world panorama. In a political atmosphere where many are clamoring for change, this chilling change of climate does not bode well. With the carefully-timed invasion at … Read more

When Perseverance Pays Off

When Perseverance Pays Off

The recent closing of the last abortion clinic in South Dakota is a landmark for the pro-life movement in the United States. Since 1973, when Roe v. Wade legalized abortion, over 48,000,000 babies have been killed, roughly three-quarters of the population of the United Kingdom. In 2005, a South Dakota law passed, … Read more
