TFP Deplores Chinese Act of Aggression

TFP Deplores Chinese Act of Aggression 2

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) has issued the following statement about the standoff over the American reconnaissance plane held in China: “The detention of 24 American military personnel in China is an act of aggression and, as such, in no way warrants an apology. The … Read more

South of the Border A Mexican Taliban on the Move

South of the Border A Mexican Taliban on the Move 5

Latin American revolutions are often bloody affairs. Images of Che Guevara-type guerrillas backed by Soviet military hardware and overthrowing corrupt regimes are the stuff of outdated and maudlin Marxist mythology. Such images are old hat. South of the border, something new is emerging. Today’s guerrillas are on the Internet. They are armed … Read more

Reflections Upon a Globalized Apple

Reflections Upon a Globalized Apple

All too often, the debate around globalization centers on the economics of production. It is naturally assumed that nations which are able to undersell others in a certain product should do so. Such a system insures the greatest variety of goods at the lowest price. While the globalized economy does enrich the … Read more

Luther, Absolutely Not!

Luther, Absolutely Not! 4

The five hundredth anniversary of Martin Luther, who was largely responsible for the Protestant revolution of the XVI century, gave rise to manifestations of sympathy in certain Catholic circles which would have been considered absolutely unforeseeable five years ago. Among these manifestations was the visit of HH John Paul II to the … Read more

The Iranian Game

The Iranian Game 2

No one writes or speaks about the obvious. It jumps right out at you. It imposes itself like a hard fact. It needs no descriptions or commentaries. An acute observer discerns a reality (a person, a situation, a thing) at the very moment it rises on the faraway horizon. An ordinary observer … Read more