Will Italy’s Government Stall a Pro-life Law?

Will Italy’s Government Stall a Pro-life Law?

In Italy, the pro-life cause faces overwhelming odds because of its anti-life abortion law, known as Law 194. The law, promulgated on May 22, 1978, was proposed by the left, including the Communist Party, and enacted with the support of the Christian Democratic Party and the Italian Bishops Conference. It also had … Read more

Massive Sacred Heart Billboard Campaign…

…Highlights Kingship of Christ this June America Needs Fatima is promoting a nationwide billboard campaign to proclaim June as the month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The effort highlights the Kingship of Christ during a month now widely hijacked by LGBTQ activists. America Needs Fatima supporters are finding widespread enthusiasm for … Read more

Property Owners and Consumers Pay the Tab for Climate Alarmism

Property Owners and Consumers Pay the Tab for Climate Alarmism

Middle-class households feel the pinch of rising costs associated with environmental regulations that impose additional taxes and stringent penalties for not towing the “green line.” In Paris, for instance, if a building is old and fails an energy efficiency assessment, it can result in substantial financial burdens. Owners of thermally inefficient homes … Read more