When “Social Justice” Becomes the Enemy of Actual Justice—California’s Destructive “Racial Justice Act”

When “Social Justice” Becomes the Enemy of Actual Justice—California’s Destructive “Racial Justice Act”

California’s “Racial Justice Act” threatens to turn the very idea of justice on its head. The Act is a product of the overheated summer of 2020, an indirect result of George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis the previous May. Self-Congratulation When he signed the Act, Governor Gavin Newsome’s celebratory press release contained a … Read more

Will State Lotteries, Casinos and Sportsbooks Promote Massive Problems that States Cannot Solve

Will State Lotteries, Casinos and Sportsbooks Promote Massive Problems that States Cannot Solve

“Gambling has an almost uniquely corrupting influence on governments…” That arresting line introduced a recent article from The Dispatch. It pointed out that many governments “count on gambling to produce a fairly reliable stream of revenue.” An Atmosphere of Attractive Risks Evidence of state-sponsored and tolerated gambling is everywhere. Among the fifty … Read more

1,000 Rosary Rallies Fight to Protect America’s Children

1,000 Rosary Rallies Fight to Protect America’s Children

There are many evils running rampant in our highly secularized society, but perhaps none so disturbing as the relentless attacks on our children’s innocence. Public schools and libraries all over our nation have been flooded with sexually explicit LGBTQ books and pornography—propaganda pushed on our children by the radical left, under the … Read more

Adolpho Lindenberg (1924-2024)

Adolpho Lindenberg (1924-2024)

Brazilian newspapers have prominently remembered the figure of Adolpho Lindenberg, who passed away at the age of ninety-nine on May 2, 2024. The press presented him as a world-famous architect, pointing out that he passed away in the year in which CAL (Constructora Adolpho Lindenberg), the company he created, celebrated seventy years of … Read more

Will Cellphones, COVID and Student Disengagement Destroy the Deplorable Legacy of “Progressive” Education and John Dewey?

Will Cellphones, COVID and Student Disengagement Destroy the Deplorable Legacy of “Progressive” Education and John Dewey?

A new expression is increasingly appearing in the education press—student disengagement. This phenomenon takes two forms. Disengaged students are either not mentally prepared to learn in class or stay away from school altogether. The School as Therapy “Disengaged behavior” is nothing new. “Skipping school” is a practice that is as old as … Read more