The Rise, Fall and Salvation of Cuba

The Rise, Fall and Salvation of Cuba

Since Christopher Columbus discovered Cuba in 1492, the island has gone through many transformations. It first went from an obscure island with few inhabitants to the undisputed king of sugar production bustling with agrarian production and enviable economic growth. However, it then fell in 1959 to become a desolate, backward, impoverished prison … Read more

The Power of Three Simple Words: We Want God

The Power of Three Simple Words: We Want God 1

Modern political discourse is in a sad state today. Ideas are now crafted in sound bites, tweets and slogans to appeal to a world absorbed by the frenetic intemperance of instant messaging. Speech has become dominated by empty rhetoric and posturing. Expressing oneself is complicated by political correctness that suppresses common sense … Read more

Liberals Are in Trouble – and They Know It

Liberals Are in Trouble – and They Know It 2

Conservatives often complain about the lamentable state of their movement. They would do well to look left. Liberals are in greater trouble, and they know it. The recent special elections for vacant House seats made this evident. The thrashing liberals received in the 2016 elections were also a sign of an inability to communicate their … Read more

The Opiate Problem No One Wants to Solve

The Opiate Problem No One Wants to Solve 2

Widespread abuse of opiates is sweeping the nation. Sectors of the rural population once thought immune to the scourge of drugs now appear vulnerable. This crisis is taxing the resources of many communities as they struggle to cope. However, like so many of these addiction problems, authorities are dealing with the effects of the epidemic, … Read more

This Is the America I Celebrate on July 4th

This Is the America I Celebrate on July 4th 1

Looking at the state of the nation, I wonder which America we are celebrating this July 4th. The nation is clearly divided, and thus many Americas appear. Not all are to be celebrated. This year has been particularly marked by disunity and vitriol. One image that particularly stands out in my mind is … Read more

How the West Became A Shepherdess of Wolves

How the West Became A Shepherdess of Wolves

Once upon a time, there was a shepherdess who was charged with keeping her sheep in the pasture and away from the clutch of the terrible wolves. Over the years, the shepherdess worked long and hard at this duty. Despite all her efforts, some sheep occasionally fell victim to the wolves. One … Read more

Perpetual Adolescence: When Coming of Age Doesn’t Come

Perpetual Adolescence: When Coming of Age Doesn’t Come 1

Parents have always complained about the children. These complaints usually stop when their children grow up and assume responsibilities. Something has changed with this generation. Many youth are neither growing up nor assuming responsibility. America is facing a coming-of-age crisis that leaves young people ill-equipped to survive in a highly unstable world. … Read more

City Attacks Catholic Farmer for Belief in God’s Marriage

City Attacks Catholic Farmer for Belief in God’s Marriage

Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys challenge city policy that ousted farmer from market for his belief in God’s marriage as the union between one man and one woman. LANSING, Mich. – Alliance Defending Freedom attorneys representing an organic farmer in Michigan filed a federal lawsuit Wednesday against the city of East Lansing after officials ousted his … Read more

When Political Order Breaks Down, No One Wins

When Political Order Breaks Down, No One Wins

The present political situation reminds one of a carnival. There is no other word to describe it. It is a carnival. The world has become a giant stage of political players and the media full of incomprehensible rage and fury. The problem with carnivals is that everyone tends to play along. Each … Read more