What Does Love of Country Mean Today?

What Does Love of Country Mean Today? 1

We Americans are a people who are justifiably proud of our nation’s many heroes and achievements. Our history is full of great explorers, soldiers, statesmen, clergy, and civic leaders—George Washingtonian characters—who accomplished great deeds. Their legacy is a long, unbroken line of service, sacrifice, and honor that gives substance to our Fourth … Read more

When the Clowns Take Over

When the Clowns Take Over 3

Fear is spreading throughout the country over the sightings of strange and sinister-looking clowns in towns and neighborhoods. No one knows who they are, where they come from, and why they are appearing. All that is known is that they are “creepy.” Some clowns are trying to lure children to them causing … Read more

Four Infallible Ways to Navigate the Winds of Crisis

Four Infallible Ways to Navigate the Winds of Crisis 2

If there is one dominating characteristic that backlights American politics—on the right as well as the left—it is a growing sense of desperation. After nearly eight years of President Obama’s disastrous policies, the prospect of another Democratic president is simply unthinkable to most conservatives. For them, especially those activists in the trenches … Read more

The #Never Election That Is Making Americans Uneasy

The #Never Election That Is Making Americans Uneasy

If there is a consensus about the present election, it is that most people are unhappy with the choices. This can be seen in the fact that many voters are identifying themselves with Twitter hashtags by which they become #never voters who vow never to vote for one candidate or the other (or both). These hashtag-never … Read more

TFP Mourns Phyllis Schlafly

TFP Mourns Phyllis Schlafly

The American Society for the Defense of Tradition, Family and Property (TFP) joins in the sorrow of the millions of Ten Commandment Americans who mourn the death of Phyllis Schlafly, 92, founder of Eagle Forum, a champion of the American family, and a leading fighter in the nation’s Culture War. For seventy … Read more

Let Us Eat Cake: A $65,000 Cake

Let Us Eat Cake: A $65,000 Cake 2

As Venezuela suffers the political, economic and moral decay caused by embracing socialism, many serious shortages plague the country. There is, however, no shortage of hypocrisy. Its citizens starve, grocery shelves are bare, hospitals have no medical supplies, electricity is rationed and some people are resorting to stealing animals from zoos to … Read more

One Thing Was Missing at the Republican and Democratic Conventions

One Thing Was Missing at the Republican and Democratic Conventions 2

The national conventions are ended, and battle lines are drawn for the coming elections. Sorting through the rhetoric, something seems to be missing, and it makes this election very different from others. This election brings a change of focus that does not bode well. When billionaire entrepreneur Peter Thiel spoke at the … Read more

How National Unity Is Forged in Unexpected Places

How National Unity Is Forged in Unexpected Places 2

As the country struggles to find points of unity during this election year, politicians are offering all sorts of economic policies to bring together a fractured nation. They say jobs, wages and trade will make America prosperous and united again. However, the means to achieve this goal—whether it be by the government … Read more

How the Police War Has Become a Battle of Symbols

How the Police War Has Become a Battle of Symbols

For some time now, America has seen massive unrest in the wake of several tragic deaths of young black men at the hands of police officers. The most important part of the debate has been separating the facts from the media myths about what actually happened. There are those who claim these … Read more