An American “Brexit” to Nowhere: Three Questions Need Answers First

An American “Brexit” to Nowhere: Three Questions Need Answers First 1

There is considerable excitement about the United Kingdom’s Brexit decision to leave the European Union. Many people rightly interpret the vote as a rejection of wrongheaded immigration policies, oppressive regulations and stifling bureaucratic rule from the central European government in Brussels. Brexit was also clearly motivated by a desire to recover national … Read more

A Civics Lesson from a Zulu King

A Civics Lesson from a Zulu King 1

The chaos of the present election cycle calls to mind a story about the great African king, Shaka (1787-1828), the founder of Southern Africa’s Zulu Empire. It is told that Shaka lamented the slowness of his warriors when they entered into battle. To remedy the problem, he ordered them to take off … Read more

When Greenspan Speaks, Shouldn’t Someone Be Listening?

When Greenspan Speaks, Shouldn’t Someone Be Listening? 1

It used to be said that when Alan Greenspan spoke, people listened. In fact, the speeches of this Federal Reserve Chairman used to rock markets worldwide. But today, a lot has changed. No one seems to be acknowledging the alarming reports on the state of the global economy coming from very qualified … Read more

Where Does Britain Brexit To?

Where Does Britain Brexit To? 1

The debate over the meaning of Brexit is still raging. It is hard to explain the fact that the full force of the British establishment, both on the left and right, lost the June 23 vote to remain in the European Union. There were strange bedfellows indeed as bankers and labor unions, academics … Read more

The War of the Straitjackets

The War of the Straitjackets

Looking at the political climate, America’s present condition can be seen as a war of the straitjackets. On one side, there are those who rightfully claim that society needs God and a moral law as a necessary condition for freedom and prosperity. These fight to conserve the remnants of this law. On … Read more

Transgenderism: Exterminating Human Identity

Transgenderism: Exterminating Human Identity

Lesbian activist Rikki Wilchins has no problem defining her final goal. Her article, “We’ll Win the Bathroom Battle When Binary Burns” clearly states that the goal is to eradicate the differences between man and woman. If a person cannot be identified objectively by his or her characteristics using logic, we cannot know … Read more

Is America on a Path to Decline?

Is America on a Path to Decline? 2

It is dangerous to compare the nation to a corporation. A nation reflects a whole culture with all its richness, creativity and vivacity. It is an organic entity that has a life of its own that does not appear on spreadsheets. Applying the corporate model to a nation is a modern obsession … Read more

Election 2016: Have Americans Abandoned Their Principles?

Election 2016: Have Americans Abandoned Their Principles?

America is in crisis, and most people don’t know what to do about it. They are frustrated by a lack of direction and purpose. They are wary of established systems and political maneuvers. They don’t care how the problem is resolved but only that it be resolved. Across the nation, many are … Read more

Unjust “Social Justice” Kills Jobs in California

Unjust “Social Justice” Kills Jobs in California 3

Armed with the leftist mantra of “equality and social justice,” liberals are attempting to mandate social economic justice by increasing the minimum wage to $15 per hour. Their argument imparts a warm and fuzzy feeling to those who do not reflect, but as predicted, it is now bearing its rotten fruits in … Read more

Is that the Titanic Sinking? No! It’s Russia’s Economy!

Is that the Titanic Sinking? No! It’s Russia’s Economy! 2

Bloomberg has ranked the Russian economic performance expected in 2016 as the fourth worst in the world, surpassed only by Venezuela, Brazil and Greece. A sinking “Titanic” was the dominant image on Russian social networks during their Christmas and New Year, which lag behind the West due to different calendars. Since then, … Read more