All Roads Lead to Rome, but Seven Lead to Notre Dame

All Roads Lead to Rome, but Seven Lead to Notre Dame

Religious pilgrimages are on the rise everywhere. People are seeking spiritual journeys that will bring meaning and purpose to their lives. A pilgrimage provides the opportunity to reflect upon one’s life and grow in love and devotion to God and His saints. They also help commemorate special occasions. On September 14, Catholics … Read more

Education Week Promotes Surprisingly Sensible School Cellphone Policies. They Can Help Parents, Too.

Education Week Promotes Surprisingly Sensible School Cellphone Policies. They Can Help Parents, Too.

Any teacher knows that cellphones interfere with education. The first rule of learning is to watch and listen to someone who knows more about the subject. The child who isn’t paying attention learns nothing. Of course, there are many ways to ignore teachers besides using cellphones. Pondering the upcoming lunch break, daydreaming, … Read more

Columbia University Students Call for Eradication of the West

Columbia University Students Call for Eradication of the West

As the school year begins, protests are expected to break out at university campuses across the country. No one should have any illusions about the malice and intentions of the most radical protesters. These protesters will not seek to change the present society. They do not want reform; they want revolution. A … Read more

Where Have All the Polar Bears Gone?

Where Have All the Polar Bears Gone?

Polar bears used to dominate climate debates, with their images appearing everywhere. Fake scenes of polar bears in a zoo, not the Arctic, appeared in Al Gore’s dramatic 2006 film, An Inconvenient Truth. We were told the bears were on the road to extinction. Today, we can no longer find them on … Read more

Venezuela-Style Socialism Has Come to California’s Oil Industry

Venezuela-Style Socialism Has Come to California’s Oil Industry

California’s leftist legislature will now have the power to regulate the gasoline sales profits of the state’s oil refiners. Governor Gavin Newsom has just signed a law allowing the California Energy Commission (CEC) to establish a state gross gasoline refining profit margin and impose penalties for surpassing it. Chevron, the state’s biggest … Read more

Were the Founders Isolationists? History Says No

Were the Founders Isolationists? History Says No

As nationalism and populist political philosophies gain traction, many Americans are adopting isolationist and noninterventionist positions. An America-first approach calls for focusing on national problems. The isolationist argument is that the burden of international commitments has weighed heavily upon the nation for too long. Let others deal with these problems and intervene. … Read more

Why Are the Crown Jewel Carmelite Convents Failing?

Why Are the Crown Jewel Carmelite Convents Failing?

Among the religious orders dedicated to the contemplative life, the Carmelites have a special role. Carmelite convents are found all over the world. They have given the Church countless saints and models. Many Carmelite convents are now in crisis because they have no vocations. The nuns are dying off. Convent after convent … Read more

Why America Must Reject Isolationism and Its Dangers

Why America Must Reject Isolationism and Its Dangers

As the present liberal order crumbles, many are proposing alternatives that call for major changes to the flawed, globalized structures that now shape the world. Some sectors of the public are turning to nationalist and populistic movements that turn inward and call for walking away from world commitments and focusing solely on … Read more
