Broken Trust: The Cause of Angry Politics

Broken Trust: The Cause of Angry Politics 1

Everyone agrees that there is something different about today’s angry politics. The ordinary issues that have shaped the political debate for years have largely remained the same. The economy is still in bad shape, terrorism remains a top concern and the deficit is still growing as fast as ever. The mood of … Read more

Are Wind Turbines Really Clean and Green?

Are Wind Turbines Really Clean and Green? 1

Wind turbines look deceptively “clean” with their white gleaming blades smoothly spinning in the wind, effortlessly producing green power for an energy-hungry world. However, the construction of these behemoths is not environmentally friendly at all. For example, thirty-three turbine generators destined for Scotland were made in the most un-environmentally friendly country in … Read more

What It Means for America to Be Great

What It Means for America to Be Great 1

One thing I ardently desire is that America continue to be great. This natural and wholesome sentiment is born of a patriotism of which I am not ashamed. I am proud to be an American and so I desire the best for my country. Contrary to the prevailing conventional wisdom, I do … Read more

The Crumbling of Certainties

The Crumbling of Certainties 2

In the scramble to make sense out of the present election cycle, analysts have come up with all sorts of theories. One popular explanation claims that people are hardening in their positions. On the left and the right, all parties are holding rigidly to their agendas, forcing their will upon the rest … Read more

Is Same-Sex “Marriage” Settled Law? 4,223 Rallies Say No!

Is Same-Sex “Marriage” Settled Law? 4,223 Rallies Say No! 1

When the U.S. Supreme Court handed down its infamous Obergefell decision approving same-sex “marriage,” activists hoped that the matter would be settled. However, it appears the contrary has happened. Over 4,223 rallies held nationwide on March 19 registered a loud No! to those who would undermine the institution of marriage. “One man … Read more

Who Is Framing the Narrative in the Political Debate?

Who Is Framing the Narrative in the Political Debate? 1

Everyone acknowledges that this is not an ordinary election cycle. Almost as confusing as the campaign events are the explanations of those trying to explain why so many bizarre things are happening. Everyone has a take on the political carnival. Everything seems to be a confused mess. However, if one observes closely, … Read more

Why Conservatives Should Not Attack the “Establishment”

Why Conservatives Should Not Attack the “Establishment” 1

In the 2016 presidential election cycle, no single group, not even President Obama, has been the object of more contempt than “the establishment.” Nearly every candidate of both parties has attacked his or her rivals for supposedly belonging to the “establishment” while vehemently denying ever having belonged to it themselves. Large numbers … Read more

One Word Missing in the Election Debates

One Word Missing in the Election Debates

Listening to the rhetoric in the present political cycle, there seems to be a missing word. It is not “angst” or “frustration,” neither “equality” nor “jobs” or even the latest buzzword, “establishment.” All these words are thrown around in the present debate. Being true politicians, candidates pepper their speeches with them, while … Read more

The Ideal Presidential Candidate Who Is Not Running

The Ideal Presidential Candidate Who Is Not Running

Perhaps it is best to start by saying there is no ideal presidential candidate now running in the race in either party. None of them has all the qualities that are presently needed, although some candidates may have a few of them. No candidate is proportional to the crisis that is coming. … Read more