When Government Does Good Things Poorly

When Government Does Good Things Poorly

It is no secret that middle-class Americans are angry at the government and the general state of things. The so-called anti-establishment candidates appear to be channeling that rage to their camps. It is a raw undefined rage that is based more on frustrations and emotions than on concrete facts or convictions. People … Read more

Is the World Economy Trapped in a “Death Spiral”?

Is the World Economy Trapped in a “Death Spiral”?

Everybody is looking for ways to describe the dire state of the world economy. Some have used Crisis with a capital C, a sinking Titanic or a perfect storm. These are all dramatic expressions to describe a very serious situation. However, the latest metaphor being used is even more dramatic. Leading economists … Read more

Is This Election a Last Hurrah?

Is This Election a Last Hurrah? 3

Many are attempting to make sense out of the present election cycle and especially the appearance of unconventional political outsiders that are dominating the headlines and in some cases the polls. Everyone seems to agree that the system doesn’t work anymore. It’s broken and no one knows how to fix it. However, … Read more

Self-Managing Socialism: Zappos Style

Self-Managing Socialism: Zappos Style 1

There have been many attempts to apply socialism to the modern workplace. One of these was the program of former president of France François Mitterrand who sought to implement what he called self-managing socialism in 1981. Like all such schemes, it was a dismal failure. He could not make the moldy principles … Read more

Save Us From the Tyranny of “Settled” Science

Save Us From the Tyranny of “Settled” Science

In classrooms across the country, high school students are taught the scientific method. It consists of constructing a doubtful hypothesis and designing a series of experiments to test the hypothesis with the observable facts. After a number of tests prove positive, the student can then take the facts and reach a conclusion. … Read more

It’s Not the Economy, Stupid!

It’s Not the Economy, Stupid!

As the nation heads into the next election cycle, there is much frustration, angst and anxiety directed at a system that does not seem to work. Everyone senses there is something terribly wrong with the country. The worst part of this growing malaise is the feeling that no one seems to know … Read more

Just an Article or an Excuse to Blaspheme?

Just an Article or an Excuse to Blaspheme? 1

The days leading up to Christmas are always ones of great anticipation and with good reason since everything about Our Lord’s birth was marvelous. It occurred in the middle of the night under a blanket of stars. The “good tidings” of His birth was announced to nearby shepherds by an angel: “…This … Read more

COP21: Paris’ Historic Fiasco

COP21: Paris’ Historic Fiasco

James Hansen, a former NASA scientist and leading herald of “global warmism” has called the Agreement “a fraud” and “a fake.” Hugs, tears, euphoria: it was not the World Cup finals but that of the Conference of the Parties in Paris, or COP21 as it is better known. Under the chairmanship of … Read more

I Am A Victim Of Micro-Aggression

I Am A Victim Of Micro-Aggression 1

I am a victim of micro-aggression. I only found out now after watching the campus activists who have been disrupting studies this past semester. They claim their learning experiences are plagued with systemic bias and attitudes that they call “micro-aggressions.” A micro-aggression is any word, act or presupposition, slight though it might … Read more

Hostilities Against the Swiss Cross in…Switzerland!

Hostilities Against the Swiss Cross in…Switzerland!

At a school in Emmen in the Swiss canton of Lucerne, students were asked to beautify some concrete walls. In fact, more than 1,000 inhabitants of the locality have participated in similar initiatives in the past seven years. The plan was sponsored by Emmenfarbig (Emmen in Color), an association directed by Peter … Read more