In Search of the Lost Wolf

In Search of the Lost Wolf 6

Pope Francis’ visit to Cuba last September, symbolically preceding his arrival in the United States, provoked many Americans to rethink our country’s decades-old embargo of the communist island nation. The Pope’s act of visiting Cuba en route to America was clearly a symbolic gesture that expressed a greater moral opposition to the … Read more

Terrorism in Paris: Satanic Islamic Hatred and Apostate Christian Satanic Worship

Terrorism in Paris: Satanic Islamic Hatred and Apostate Christian Satanic Worship 5

On Friday, November 13th, Islamic terrorists carried out a concerted attack at several places in Paris with automatic rifles and suicide bombers leaving 130 dead and 368 injured, many seriously. The self-proclaimed Islamic State organization (ISIS) has claimed responsibility for the attack. Satanic Nature of the Paris Show Among the various places … Read more

As the Climate Debate Heats Up, the Polar Caps Ice Over

As the Climate Debate Heats Up, the Polar Caps Ice Over 2

In a surprising new study, NASA satellite telemetry indicates that an increase in Antarctic snow accumulation is currently adding enough ice to the continent to outweigh the losses from its thinning glaciers. No doubt this data will not sit well with climate alarmists who claim that anthropogenic global warming is destroying the … Read more

Sprinting to do Business in Communist Cuba?

Sprinting to do Business in Communist Cuba? 2

American telecom giant Sprint Corporation has the not-so-coveted distinction of having signed the first trade agreement with communist Cuba to provide cellular roaming coverage to the few Cubans that have phones and some tourists. Sprint hopes to turn a profit on the combination of visiting Americans and the little more than 15 … Read more

Ivanpah — Not so Squeaky Green

Ivanpah — Not so Squeaky Green 2

Promoted as the future of renewable clean solar energy, the Ivanpah electric generating plant has less to boast about than first thought. With three massive towers rising 495 feet high and 352,000 mirrors focusing sunlight toward the tops of the towers to boil water with solar energy, Ivanpah is far less environmentally … Read more

Kremlin Mulls Declaring Independence of Baltic Countries Illegal

Kremlin Mulls Declaring Independence of Baltic Countries Illegal 1

Vladimir Putin wants to restore the Soviet Union’s “glory” and revise, if not annul, the act recognizing the independence of the Baltic countries. Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia in Moscow’s Crosshairs The Russian news agency Interfax reported that the “new Russia” has decided to review the legality of the recognition of the independence … Read more

Five Ways Student Loans Are Ruining Our Economy and Culture

Five Ways Student Loans Are Ruining Our Economy and Culture 2

As the fall semester begins, students are attending classes and incurring great debt. A July report of the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia finds that student loans have increased tenfold since 1999. Even worse is the acceleration of this debt over the last eight years. Since 2007, loans doubled from $537 billion … Read more

US Diplomacy – An Analogy Between Saigon and Havana?

US Diplomacy – An Analogy Between Saigon and Havana? 2

The United States government has just reopened its embassy in Havana. At first sight, there would be no point in drawing an analogy between the reopening of this American Embassy in Havana, which many regard as a diplomatic success, and the humiliating withdrawal from this country’s embassy in Saigon in 1973, which … Read more

Huge Demonstration Supporting the Traditional Family and Rejecting “Gender Ideology” in Schools

Huge Demonstration Supporting the Traditional Family and Rejecting “Gender Ideology” in Schools 2

For those who may have missed it, the demonstration was impressive. In Rome, about 500,000 people participated in a huge manifestation against same-sex “marriage” and the introduction of the absurd “gender ideology” in Italian schools. The demonstration took place on Family Day, June 20, 2015, the Agence France-Presse news agency reported. According … Read more

Bolivia: Francis, and the Hammer and Sickle

Bolivia: Francis, and the Hammer and Sickle

One cannot understand how Pope Francis surrounds himself with revolutionary leaders, assumes their ideas are good, and gives them a virtually unconditional support without first hearing renowned specialists who contend—with concrete data to back them up—that private property, free enterprise and the principle of subsidiarity have been a source of social progress … Read more