The Democrats’ Train to Nowhere

A conservative friend of mine was looking at the political and moral horizon and complained that he thought all was lost. He sought in vain for signs of hope and asked if there might be something, however small, that would serve as an indicator that the conservative cause has a future. He … Read more

The Monsters Among Us

Another horrible mass murder has taken place and the nation mourns. It is yet one more incident in a string of such crimes that has come to characterize our sad times. While the Charleston shootings have undoubted racial overtones, the event does not represent a massive culture of racial hatred as is … Read more

Radical Environmentalists Demand Compensation: You Pay

Radical Environmentalists Demand Compensation: You Pay

With the close of the Bonn climate change conference, radical environmentalists seem unfazed by the failure of their agenda to redistribute global wealth. However, that has not stopped them from demanding your money to pay for anything they deem caused by anthropogenic (man-made) climate change. They insist upon de-carbonizing the global economy … Read more

What I Witnessed During the Irish Referendum

What I Witnessed During the Irish Referendum 1

While the result of the referendum is a terrible disaster for Ireland and the whole world, I would like to report on what I saw during the campaign to legalize same-sex “marriage” on the Emerald Isle. Actively involved in Irish Society for Christian Civilisation, I spent the weeks before the referendum campaigning … Read more

Paying Not to Wait

The thing which man most desires in this life is happiness. Yet it is the most illusive of treasures. This is due, in large part, to modern man’s agitated spirit and insatiable craving for instant gratification. This can be seen in a new mobile device games craze. Things have come a long … Read more

Drug Legalization: The Road to Nirvana

Critics of present drug policy claim prevention programs are not working. Efforts aimed at convincing teenagers not to become addicted have not stopped drug usage. At the same time law enforcement officers, taking a supply-side approach to the problem, have not prevented drugs from reaching thriving markets. Many claim the solution lies … Read more

Poland and Lithuania Bar Entry to Putin’s Shady ‘Praetorian Guard’

Poland and Lithuania Bar Entry to Putin’s Shady ‘Praetorian Guard’

“To Berlin!” The Red Army war cry was echoed by hundreds of pro-Kremlin bikers departing from Moscow to the West and flying Soviet flags with the effigy of Stalin and Putin’s Russia, AFP reported. Alexeï Verechtchiaguin, a biker fighting in the separatist stronghold of Lugansk in eastern Ukraine, stressed the significance of … Read more

Hungarian Premier Flirts with Putin and Loses Voter Majority

Hungarian Premier Flirts with Putin and Loses Voter Majority

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban has maintained himself in his post since 2010 by appealing to the conservative tenets of public opinion in Hungary. However, after starting an inexplicable political “dating” relationship with Russian President Vladimir Putin, he has suffered a considerable and very symbolic defeat which has sown consternation among his … Read more