Starbucks’ “Race Together” Never Crosses the Finish Line

Starbucks’ “Race Together” Never Crosses the Finish Line

With companies getting involved in every aspect of the cultural debate today, there seems to be no end to what a corporation will do to further a liberal agenda. The latest example is when Starbucks launched a destined-to-fail effort to promote “dialogue” about race by requiring baristas to write the social media … Read more

Will Raising Minimum Wage Help Seattle’s Poor?

Will Raising Minimum Wage Help Seattle's Poor

With a law set to raise the minimum wage from $8 to $15 an hour, Seattle begins its journey to help those who are impoverished while stimulating its economy at the same time. On the surface this appears to be a win-win situation that only the ignorant and hard-hearted could condemn. Indeed, … Read more

The Great (Fire) Wall of China Keeps Out Free Speech

Great Fire Wall of China Keeps Out Free Speech

It seems that whenever the communist Chinese have a problem, they like to wall it off by separating the problem from the general population. For a long time, dissidents have been separated in labor and reeducation camps. Now it appears that unwelcome commentary is getting its own wall—a firewall. In a futile … Read more

Liberal German Catholics to Pressure Synod on Family

Liberal German Catholics to Pressure Synod on Family German Flag We Are Church

Frankfurt am Main, Germany — one of the most important aspects in the pontificate of Pope Francis is the Pastoral Policy on Marriage and the Family. In order to analyze and discuss the requirements of our time, he called a “small” meeting of bishops, held in October 2014. That Synod was supposed … Read more

The Price Tag for Removing the Cuban Embargo

The Price Tag for Removing the Cuban Embargo

Communist Cuba demands almost $117 billion from the United States for damages. The exact amount is $116,860,000,000. That is what Cuban-American journalist Carlos Alberto Montaner says Cuba is billing the U.S. for the damages caused by the American embargo. How the number came to be so exact is not revealed by Cuban … Read more

A Judicial Divide Over Marriage: Moore v. Federal Court

Alabama Supreme Court Judge Roy Moore is challenging a federal judge’s ruling permitting same-sex “marriage” in his state. Once again, a federal court ruling is trying to override a popular vote in favor of traditional marriage. Alabama voted overwhelmingly to approve a constitutional amendment defending traditional marriage in 2006. However, this case … Read more

700 Cuban Doctors Fled Venezuela in 2013

Venezuela’s dictatorship, economic crisis and insecurity has everyone fleeing even those not from that country. Cuban doctors sent to work to Venezuela by the Castro regime are leaving in record numbers. The rate of those seeking freedom in the U.S. doubled in 2013 for a total of 700 deserters, Rio de Janeiro’s … Read more

The Great Bolivarian Famine

It is called Bolivarian rotation. According to this system, Venezuelans can only buy commodities in state markets on days matching the last digits of their national ID cards. On Monday, for example, the Bicentenário food chain caters to buyers whose IDs end in zero and one, the daily Clarín of Buenos Aires … Read more

Lithuania Becomes Independent from Russian Gas

Lithuania Becomes Independent from Russian Gas

Lithuania has celebrated a historic step to get rid of its dependence on Russian gas and of the extortion to which that dependence subjected it by opening the Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal – LNG in the port of Klaipeda. The LNG freighter Arctic Aurora, with a capacity of 155,000 cubic meters of … Read more

Where is the Separation of Church and State in Global Warming?

Where is the Separation of Church and State in Global Warming?

With 23 years of failure to their credit, environmentalists, socialists and liberals of every color continue the alarmist mantra of global warming ad nauseam. While NASA and the University of East Anglia struggle to produce credible data confirming the theory of global warming, 60 percent of Americans have not bought into the … Read more