The Super Bowl’s Somber Ad

Super Bowl Sunday has become an unofficial holiday for millions of Americans to celebrate one of America’s favorite sport. For most, it is a chance to get together with family and friends and enjoy the simple pleasures of life, all the while rooting for their favorite team. This year’s Super Bowl was … Read more

90,000 Nigerian Catholics Expelled from their Lands – Only a Crusade Can Stop Boko Haram

“Several churches are in ruins and tens of thousands, mainly Christians, are running to escape Boko Haram,” Fr . Patrick Tor Alumuku, Social Communications officer in the archdiocese of Nigeria’s capital, Abuja, told the Fides news agency.] “I spoke to priests in Maiduguri (capital of Borno State north east Nigeria where the Islamist sect … Read more

Putin Praises Alliance Between Hitler and Stalin

Though long concealed from Western history books, it was never a secret that Hitler and Stalin were great allies and jointly triggered World War II. In a sense, this alliance, seemingly broken as the war unfolded, never really stopped working and endures as if it had never been broken. However, many in … Read more

Charlie Hebdo: Two Wrongs Don’t Make a Right

At Charlie Hebdo, blasphemy and freedom of speech are considered venerable, sacred and powerful. For Charlie, there is no difference between good and evil or truth and error. They are all the same. For the Muslim terrorists, morality also has no meaning. Any act that advances their goal can be done, no … Read more

“Communism Is Creeping Back under Different Flags and Slogans”

“Celebrating the end of Communism is inappropriate. It is creeping back in different forms under different flags and slogans, without sufficient resistance from us,” warned Václav Klaus, the first head of government of the Czech Republic after the end of the Soviet dictatorship, as reported by O Estado de Sao Paulo, Brazil. … Read more

The Obama-Francis “Axis”

The Obama-Francis “Axis”

Cuba, Sleights-of-Hand, and Confusion It is extremely painful to say it, but the boot with which Castro continues to crush Cubans on the island, now has a high-ranking endorsement. Unfortunately, the statements, deeds and gestures of Francis favor the oppression of the Cuban people and a leftward shift in Latin America. In … Read more

Hit by the “Culture of Death,” Portugal Loses Population

Hit by the “Culture of Death,” Portugal Loses Population

Live births in Portugal in 2013 fell by half compared to records 40 years ago. In the same year, 128,000 Portuguese emigrated, the equivalent of the population of a city like Braga, the country’s fifth largest, the newspaper Correio da Manhã reported. The exact number of births in 2013 was 82,787, which … Read more

Socialized Medicine Scores Big in Venezuela

With civilized countries looking to depart from traditional methods of healthcare, and some forcibly implementing a socialist alternative, a quick look at how things are going in socialist Venezuela might give a taste of things to come. According to El Universal, 14,700 doctors have fled Venezuela seeking a just compensation elsewhere and … Read more

Half of All Japanese Cities May Become Extinct

The “culture of death” is attaining that which not even the atomic bomb was able to: extinguish Japan’s population. A survey by an ad hoc subcommittee of Japan’s Policy Board concluded that by 2040, almost half of the country’s municipalities will face difficulties to continue existing normally, BBC Brazil reported. The study … Read more