Novena to Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification

Novena to Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification
Novena to Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification


Novena to Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification

(February 2 is the feast day of the apparition of Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification)


Act of Contrition

I believe in God: strengthen, O Lord, my faith; I hope in God: firm, Lord, my hope; enkindle, O Lord, my love; I am sorry for having offended Thee.

Oh Lord my God! Increase my repentance. I promise Thee, with the help of Thy grace and the mighty patronage of Blessed Mary of Good Success of the Purification, never to sin again. O Lord, have pity and mercy on me. Amen.

Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our Times

Initial Prayer

(To be recited each day)

O Most Excellent and Immaculate Queen of Heaven, Mary Most Holy of Good Success of the Purification, beloved Daughter of the Eternal Father, most loving Mother of the Divine Son, dearest Spouse of the Holy Ghost, exalted throne of the Divine Majesty, august temple of the Holy Trinity, in whom the Three Divine Persons have placed the treasures of their Power, Wisdom and Love! Remember, Virgin Mary of Good Success of the Purification, that God has made thee so great to help miserable sinners. Remember that thou hast promised many times to show thy motherly pity on those who have recourse to thee. To thee I fly, most merciful Mother, and of thee I beg, for the love the Most High has shown thee, that thou obtain for me from God the Father, a faith so lively that I may never lose sight of the eternal maxims of His Son; a hope so firm, that I always aspire to achieve that glory that He bought for me with His Blood; and from the Holy Spirit, a charity so inflamed, that I may live always loving the Supreme Goodness and thee, Virgin Most Holy, until I may, through thy intercession, love and enjoy Him in eternal glory. Amen.

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Second Day Fifth Day Eighth Day
Third Day Sixth Day Ninth Day

Thanksgiving to the Most Blessed Virgin

(To be recited each day)

O Virgin, blessed among all women! We are at a loss for words to thank thee for the countless benefits received from thy hand. The day thou wert born into the world can be called a day of grace, health and consolation. Thou art the honor of the human race, the joy of paradise, the beloved garment of God, and the health of our people. What merits do we have, Blessed Virgin of Good Success of the Purification, for thee to make thyself known as our Mother? May God Who thus disposed be infinitely blessed! Be thou equally blessed, Virgin Mary, for showing thyself so kind to us despite our ingratitude. Let, then, o Mother most clement, thy statue be our consolation on Earth, our refuge, help and protection in public and private needs. Drive away from us wars, plagues, famine, lightning bolts, earthquakes and all the scourges that we deserve for our sins. Pray for the Church and for its visible head. Heed the supplications of those who invoke thee. Remember that thou art our Advocate and Mother, as we place our confidence in thee. To thee do we turn, hoping that thou wilt obtain for us from thy Son, the forgiveness of our sins and the grace of final perseverance. Amen.

Here everyone raises their hearts to God, asking for the intercession of Mary
Most Holy of Good Success of the Purification for the grace they want to obtain…

Our Father… Hail Mary… Glory be…


Final Prayer

(To be recited each day)

Grant, we beseech Thee, O Lord God, that we Thy servants may enjoy perpetual health of mind and body, and by the glorious intercession of the Blessed Mary, ever Virgin, be delivered from present sorrow and enjoy everlasting happiness. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

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Origin of the Devotion to Our Mother of Good Success of the Purification

Consider how great and incomparable are the wonders of the Omnipotent Being, manifesting the treasures of His Mercy in favor of His redeemed. We admire the excess of goodness found in the multitude of benefits with which He has enriched us, with all the more reason we must be filled with gratitude for the most outstanding benefit of His right hand, with which He has magnified us, by giving us a most excellent and privileged Creature like Mary, for our consolation, and especially for those who serve and sincerely love Him. He inspired to the Fathers and children of the Church various titles and invocations to honor and venerate her and receive signal favors of her help and protection, as true devotees of the Mother of God have often experienced, and especially through the miraculous statue of Good Success of the Purification.


O God, admirable in all Thy works! Since Thou always turnest life’s most dangerous events into proofs of Thy mercy and givest us in the most desperate storms, a foretaste of Thy wonders on our behalf, grant us by the intercession of the Queen of Good Success of the Purification, the virtue of patience to suffer with resignation the trials Thy Divine Will sends to us; for, at any time Thou canst change them into consolation in this life, and later grant us Thine eternal reward in Heaven, where we will praise Thy honor and that of our Blessed Mother, forever and ever. Amen.

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History of the Foundation of the Royal Monastery of the Immaculate Conception of Quito

Shortly after the city was founded, by virtue of the great love for the Blessed Virgin’s Immaculate Conception, the ladies of Quito asked the King of Spain, Felipe II, to found a monastery consecrated to that high prerogative of the Mother of God.

Thus it was that on January 13, 1577, as the whole city of Quito celebrated, this monastery was founded with ladies of the high Spanish nobility, including Mariana de Jesus Torres. They were the first spouses of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Ecuadorian lands. In it have lived souls of great holiness, dedicated to pray and suffer for the Holy Catholic Church and for our country.

Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our TimesLearn All About the Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our Times

Our Lord Jesus and his Blessed Mother have worked countless miracles here and even promised that the monastery will last until the end of time.


Oh, God! Loving Guardian of pious people, families and communities, Who in Thy Providence watchest and protectest in consideration of one’s prayers and fulfillment of duty, heed our prayers and requests, ignite the light of our Faith in Thy powerful protection so that we may not fear our enemies, for if Thou help us, nothing can hurt us. Give us boundless confidence in Most Holy Mary of Good Success of the Purification and the grace of obedience and observance of the Rule (or the fulfillment of the duties of our state in life), so that we may be worthy of such a holy Mother and powerful Protectress. May we always be grateful and docile subjects, so that someday we can sing and praise Thy glory in Heaven, Thou Who hast favored Mary as the Daughter, Mother and Spouse of the Most Holy Trinity, God, Who lives forever and ever. Amen.

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Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres

Of noble lineage and endowed with singular beauty, Mariana was born in 1563. From her early years, she showed great candor, purity and piety. From the age of fourteen she led a holy life in this monastery, being one of its first founders. She shone in humility, obedience, penance and the gift of prayer, with a tender and profound devotion to Our Lord Jesus Christ and His Blessed Mother.

She led an exemplary life in the spiritual and temporal service of God and in her many terms as Abbess. Her supplications and prayers were accepted by the Divine Majesty, Who mercifully granted her requests. She also received great revelations from the Blessed Virgin.

Learn All About Sr. Mariana de Jesus Torres

Her death was as holy and peaceful as her life. She closed her eyes to this world on January 16, 1635. Her incorrupt body is kept in the cloister of this monastery.


O God, inaccessible light of supernatural truth that illuminates our being with Thy celestial radiance and leads us to Thee by giving us Holy Mary, Thy favorite creature, as our guide and protectress! Enlighten our minds with the light of a living and firm Faith like the one that moved our Mother of Good Success of the Purification to appear to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres. As we yearn for supernatural goods, help us become uninterested in the things of this Earth. With the protection of Holy Mary and a safe and steady faith in the Sacred Mysteries, help us to live contemplating the radiance of our afterlife and anticipating the joy of being with Thee and Mary Most Holy for all eternity. Amen.

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Main Apparition of the Most Holy Virgin of Good Success of the Purification to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres

From February 2, 1594 the Lord set his gaze of predilection on the soul of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres by granting her the grace of the apparitions of the Blessed Virgin.

Thus, on February 2, 1610, when Mother Mariana was the Abbess, she was praying in the high choir with tender devotion, pouring out her heart imploring Mary’s relief under the invocation of Good Success, for the needs of her community and the whole society. She was absorbed in fervent prayer with deep faith and trust and a vivid desire to see Mary intercede and grant her petitions. She raised her yearning eyes to Heaven, calling on her Mother to come and help and grant her what she humbly and sincerely asked for the good of her monastery and the entire Catholic Church.

FREE READ, A Spanish Mystic in Quito: Sor Mariana de Jesus Torres


Oh God most loving, Thou hast given us our Mother as a beautiful refuge and consolation, placing her along our hazardous way so that, as our Mother of Good Success of the Purification she may be a shield to defend us in persecutions and dangers. Grateful for Thy kindness, we want to correspond to grace with virtue as did Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, with a tender and constant devotion to Mary Most Holy, so that through her intercession we may reach Heaven. Amen.

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The Invocation of the Most Holy Virgin of Good Success of the Purification Is Revealed

Having implored the help of her Blessed Mother, Mariana raises her yearning eyes to Heaven. Behold, a refulgent light floods the temple, the fervent nun fixes her eyes on the site from whence comes so vivid a light and finds before her a beautiful Lady with a Child in her left arm, Who looked like a morning star. She held in her right hand a scepter of gold and rhinestones, and a crown of dazzling stars on her head.

The soul of Mother Mariana de Jesus was filled with heavenly joy and, with courageous love and confidence, she asked: Who are you and what do you want? O prodigy of kindness! With a soft and sweet voice, the vision answered: “I am Mary of Good Success of the Purification, whom you have invoked with such tender affection. Your prayer has been very pleasing to me, your faith has brought me here, your love has invited me to visit you.”


O Sovereign God! Thou hast have given us Thy great recommendation, the Blessed Virgin of Good Success of the Purification as a companion on our pilgrimage to be our guide, guardian and protectress in this struggle. We fly to her full of confidence, thus finding the safe path on our journey to the abode of the Eternal Father, where everything we ask will be granted. Inflame our hearts with the love of the Blessed Virgin of Good Success of the Purification so that we may offer our Blessed Mother, with gratitude, a firm and constant love, and victory over our passions through the great graces received from her merciful hands. We hope to always have her patronage in this life and her maternal assistance in death, that we may obtain the eternal salvation. Amen.

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The Request of the Most Holy Virgin of Good Success of the Purification to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres

When appearing to Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres, the Blessed Virgin favored with her presence not only the latter but also the monastery, our country, and the whole Church.

Garcia Moreno: Heroic President of Ecuador

For this reason, Most Holy Mary of Good Success of the Purification told Mother Mariana: “It is the will of God that a statue be carved to represent this apparition in all its details so it is placed in the high choir where all the nuns pray, and on the Abbess’ chair so they may consider this memorable image of a singular prodigy as their main Abbess,” to encourage perpetual gratitude, special attention in prayer, perfect obedience, firmness in faith, confident hope, and an ardent love of Mary Most Holy, who thus offered herself to personally govern this monastery.


O God of mercy! Thou Who never forsakes in desolation those who faithfully and fervently serve Thee in the midst of life’s dangers and misfortunes, and Who encourages us to meet and invoke our Mother as a refuge in our adversities, grant us to have recourse to Holy Mary with a tender and fervent heart and to always find her loving and protective so we may serve her and deserve, through her intercession, to lead a Christian life and be with her forever in Heaven. Amen.

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Measurements of the Sacred Statue of Our Mother of Good Success of the Purification

Upon hearing the command of Mary Most Holy to have a statue of her carved in the same size and figure of the apparition, Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres excused herself saying that it would be impossible, for no sculptor could reproduce such extraordinary beauty or accurately calculate her size and proportions. The most beautiful mother kindly replied: “Fear not, bring here the cord you use as belt and measure my height.” And as Mother Mariana, with natural shyness did not dare touch Mary Most Holy with her hands, the Virgin herself took one end of the rope and held it on top of her head, while Mother Mariana applied the rope to her feet, taking the exact measure of the vision. “At that point, she said: the height of the statue you will have made, and the other proportions, will result from this measurement. Set this statue in the place indicated, with the staff and keys of the cloister in my right hand, because I want to be the advocate and protectress of this monastery.” And having said that, the vision disappeared.FREE e-Book, A Spanish Mystic in Quito: Sor Mariana de Jesus Torres

FREE e-Book: A Spanish Mystic in Quito


O God of kindness Who deignest reward the faith and zealous piety of Thy chosen souls with the sight of Mary Most Holy, heed also the prayers we present to Thee through the intercession of Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification. May she illuminate our faith and increase our confidence that she will benignly heed our pleas, grant us a growing faith in Thy Paternal goodness, and make us more confident that we shall receive all that we ask. Make us also more fervent in our prayers, that we may be sustained by the great courage of our powerful Mediatrix, be freed from the dangers that threaten us, serve Thee better, and win the honor of being in Thy presence and that of Mary Most Holy in Heaven for all eternity. Amen.

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Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres Orders the Carving of the Statue of Our Mother of Good Success of the Purification

The privileged Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres hastened to command work on the statue from the most skilful sculptor, Francisco del Castillo. And here you have, for perpetual memory, this beautiful statue full of sweetness and majesty, which is venerated in the high choir of this monastery.

A Victim Soul: The Life of Mother Mariana de Jesus Torres

Out of reverence for the sacred statue, Mother Mariana had her carved at the very place where she appeared, in the high choir. When the work was close to an end and the sculptor was entering the cloister to finish painting the face, he found out that a new portent had happened:

As the nuns arise at three o’clock in the morning, before the first light of dawn, to greet Mary their dawn by singing the Little Office according to the holy custom of the Order of the Immaculate Conception, they open the door to the choir and see it illuminated by lights never seen before. They approach the sacred statue and find that it has been finished.

It is believed that the archangels gave the final touches to the face of the beautiful statue of Our Mother of Good Success, who worked the miracle to anticipate the joys of her daughters.


O Lord of infinite goodness, Who hast given us this statue of Mary Most Holy of Good Success of the Purification miraculously made by archangels as a powerful advocate to whom we can go with complete confidence in her kind protection in all our needs, grant us the favor we implore with fervor and confidence so that we may know, honor and serve the Blessed Virgin, and through her intercession attain our sanctification on this Earth and happiness with her in Heaven. Amen.

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One of the Main Miracles of Our Mother of Good Success of the Purification

This most beautiful image is one of the most venerated in Quito. She remains in the high choir of this monastery and on certain dates is transferred to the church, where the faithful see her as the Mother of Mercy.

Learn All About the Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our TimesNovena to Our Lady of Good Success of the Purification

In July 1941, a time of crisis in our nation due to a conflict with neighboring Peru, Archbishop Carlos Maria de la Torre ordered triduums to be celebrated in all sanctuaries and churches to obtain peace through the intercession of Mary Most Holy.

The statue of our Mother of Good Success was then transferred to the altar of the church for the triduum that began on July 24th.

On July 27, 1941, at 10:30 in the morning, as the archbishop celebrated Holy Mass and the nuns were in the high choir, shouts with tears and emotion were suddenly heard in the church with the news that the statue “was opening and closing her divine eyes.” That prodigy lasted about an hour. Some people testified they saw the miracle in different ways: some saw her open and close her eyes, others saw her change her facial expressions, still others saw her look up to Heaven and then back towards the faithful. This shows how she can remedy all our needs, like the sun that shines on both the good and the bad, exempting no one from her protection and maternal love.


Oh, God most loving of all Thy creatures, Who manifests Thy Paternal care and guidance to us in different ways and mainly by giving Mary Most Holy as our advocate, protectress and ideal model of virtues, infuse in our hearts a constant desire to imitate our Queen and Mother by shaping our thoughts, desires and actions in the likeness of Mary Most Holy so that we resemble her inasmuch as our fragile nature allows. Assisted by Thy Divine grace, may we overcome our passions and receive the select graces that our Mother of Good Success of the Purification grants the children who confidently come to her in their needs. May we find her ready to help us in the last difficult moments of our lives so we may later enjoy the bliss of her company in Heaven forever and ever. Amen.

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Most Holy Virgin of Good Success of the Purification, Mother of God, I, …………………, though entirely unworthy of being counted among thy servants, confiding nevertheless in thy admirable piety and moved by the desire of serving thee, choose thee today before thy most chaste husband Saint Joseph, my Guardian Angel, and all the heavenly court as my Lady, Patroness and Mother. I firmly propose to follow and obey thee, and seek out others to offer thee service.

I beseech thee, o Mother most clement, by the Most Sacred Blood of thy Son, to receive me among thy children and obtain for me from God the grace to please thee and Him at all times with my thoughts, words and deeds. Remember me also in the hour of my death. Amen.


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