Novena to Our Lady of the Assumption – Day 7

Novena to Our Lady of the Assumption - Day 7August 15 is the feast day of the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven.

Opening Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ, You have destroyed the power of death and given the hope of eternal life for body and soul. You granted your Mother a special place in your glory and did not allow decay to touch her body. As we rejoice in the Assumption of Mary, grant us renewed confidence in the victory of life over death. Amen.

Prayer for Day 7

Mary, Queen of every heart, accept all that we are and bind us to Jesus with the bonds of love so that we may be yours forever and may be able to say in all truth: “I belong to Jesus through Mary”.

Our Mother, Assumed into Heaven and Queen of the Universe, ever-Virgin Mother of God, obtain for us what we ask, if it be for the glory of God and the good of our souls.

(Mention your request)

Our Mother, assumed into Heaven, we love you. Give us a greater love for Jesus and for you.

O Queen Assumed into Heaven, pray for us. Amen.


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