Novena to Our Lady of the Rosary – Day 8

October 7 is the feast day of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Prayer for Day 8

O Mary Immaculate, who at Fatima predicted to Lucia, Francisco, and Jacinta that unless men converted and thy requests were fulfilled, worse calamities would befall, show thyself a mother to us in these perilous times.

The “errors of Russia” – atheistic Communism with all of its inherent and consequential immorality – had not even manifested themselves when you spoke, but have indeed “spread throughout the world.”

O Mary, Help of Christians, the heart of such a mother cannot fail but be moved with compassion at the sight of thy children suffering under the yoke of Communism. But what sorrow must be thine on seeing the vast majority of men accepting those errors which you warned them against! In these times of such brazen impiety, show thy power with the signs of thy former victories, and look with mercy upon the Church of thy Son, sorely oppressed in this mighty conflict.

(Here mention your request)

Our Father….
Hail Mary….
Glory Be….

Our Lady of the Rosary of Fatima, pray for us!


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