Observing 9/11 with Our Lady of Fatima

Observing 9/11 with Our Lady of Fatima
Observing 9/11 with Our Lady of Fatima

One consequence of the September 11 attacks was that it highlighted the relevance of the Fatima Message. Our Lady’s plea for repentance and conversion remain unanswered. The attacks served as a tragic wake-up call for many Americans to return to Our Lady and the Church.

While many people observed the anniversary of the attacks with patriotic ceremonies, America Needs Fatima sponsored its own symbolic event near Ground Zero.Observing 9/11 with Our Lady of Fatima

Scores of America Needs Fatima supporters gathered at Pier A Park in New Jersey directly opposite downtown Manhattan. Our Lady, Tower of Ivory, presided over the event against the backdrop of the city where the Twin Towers had once stood.Observing 9/11 with Our Lady

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The American flag on the windswept grounds flew at half-mast adding a note of solemnity to the event as the crowd prayed rosaries.

Observing 9/11 with Our Lady of Fatima
ANF members gathered at Pier A Park in New Jersey, directly across the Hudson River from where the Twin Towers stood, to pray for a more moral America.

Guest speaker Norman Fulkerson addressed the crowd and stressed the need for Americans to put themselves under the protection of the Blessed Mother. “In this way,” Mr. Fulkerson stressed, “we are assured of victory in our struggle against terrorism and the moral evils that beset our country.”

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