Oct 21 – Versailles Restaurant, Downtown Miami, Key Biscayne

Oct 21 - Versailles Restaurant, Downtown Miami, Key BiscayneThis morning we campaigned briefly in front of Versailles Restaurant on Calle Ocho (8th Street), the heart of Little Havana in Miami. The restaurant is special because it is a well known social landmark in the Cuban community, especially by anti-communist Cubans. You often find grey-haired veterans of the Bay of Pigs invasion or former Cuban political prisoners who suffered under Castro drinking café cubano and discussing politics or dreaming of a free Cuba.

Versailles Restaurant is also special because on October 11, one of the 3,500 Rosary Rallies organized by the TFP’s America Needs Fatima campaign was held at the same location. In fact, there were at least 70 rosary rallies held throughout the greater Miami area that day, some with as many as 200 people.

It’s so encouraging to know that thousands of faithful Catholics are storming Heaven with prayers for the conversion of America.

Today, for the first time, we displayed a bilingual sign made by Mr. Alvaro Zapata to make it easier for Spanish-speaking people to honk in support of traditional marriage: Pita a favor del matrimonio tradicional! (Honk for traditional marriage!).

The Cuban/Latino population was highly receptive to the campaign. The steady flow of car traffic became a steady cacophony of cars honking in support of traditional marriage. “We need to keep America free,” exclaimed one Cuban. “We Cubans know what tyranny is like, and homosexual ‘marriage’ is a dictatorship.”

Although the Miami mid-day sun was beating down, we campaigned for about two hours before moving to downtown Miami in front of the Miami-Dade County Courthouse where we immediately set up on the corner of 1st Avenue and Flagler Street. The foot traffic was excellent and we gave out many flyers. At this location, we received excellent support, some indifference, and little opposition.

A Catholic lawyer running for public office stopped to chat: “You don’t have to convince me,” he said. “I came downtown to visit a friend and saw you guys here. I said to myself, ‘Hey, traditional marriage is my issue. I’ve got to stay here with these guys.’” He stayed with us for a good while and expressed how much he would like to see the Catholic bishops become more vocal in the battle for traditional marriage.

Rush hour traffic on Brickell Avenue

After lunch break, we met rush hour traffic on Brickell Ave, near the causeway to Key Biscayne. Dark clouds floated overhead, menacing rain. However, the intermittent rain was not heavy enough to stop our demonstration. After all, we are not made of sugar.

“Thank you! Keep up the good work,” said a young man leaving the causeway from Key Biscayne. “We need to keep the socialist-atheists from taking over our country.”

Like California and Arizona, Florida is divided and polarized, as people’s reactions often demonstrate. “You should all shoot yourselves!” shouted a pro-homosexual advocate from his car. Another intervened saying: “It’s terrible to see what the world is coming to. God bless you!”

Lamenting the current state of moral decadence in society, another added: “Satan wants to overthrow God.”

That’s it for now. Thank you for your prayers and support. All the TFP members touring Florida for traditional marriage send you their best.

Saint Joseph, pray for us!

Readers write:

Hello, my name is Jennifer. I am a student at CSUFresno and I wanted to thank you all for coming to school to help enlighten us students. I am a baby Christian just coming to faith 4 years ago and still have trouble defending my beliefs, so you see why I appreciated your flyer on why gay marriage was harmful and must be opposed. It really made me think about a lot of reasons I had never thought of before. It was also very nice to have a faith based group on campus that couldn’t be labeled as screaming fanatics damning us all to hell. You all looked very nice in your suits and the large red flags were very powerful. I pray that your group may be able to finish your caravan tour and someday return to our school if needed. May God bless the path you walk and protect you all in your brave defense of our faith.
— Jennifer

How to Support the Caravan

If you want to help protect the institution of marriage, the family and future of America, please consider filling our van’s gas tank with fuel and keep us on the road for traditional marriage. So far we’ve traveled 8,142 miles for God’s marriage.

Sponsor 1 tank of gas, 330 miles, for $107.00
Sponsor 2 tanks of gas, 660 miles, for 214.00
Sponsor 3 tanks of gas, 990 miles, for $321.00
Or even 5 tanks of gas, 1650 miles, for $535.00

If you would like to make your contribution by mail, please send a check payable to TFP Student Action and mail it to:

TFP Student Action,
1358 Jefferson Rd.
Spring Grove, PA 17362.

Financial Reports Notice


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