Outspoken Professor Ousted for Pro-life Views Speaks at TFP Event

Outspoken Belgian Prof. Stephane Mercier addressed a full house of friends and supporters at the Tradition, Family Property Washington Bureau on January 20 in McLean, Virginia. His talk, “The Bitter Fruits of the Sexual Revolution,” was attended by many who had been to the March for Life the day before.

The American TFP Washington Bureau holds an annual open house at the time of the March for Life for local activists and special guests. Among those present was Duke Paul of Oldenburg, director of the Brussels Bureau of Fédération Pro-Europa Christiana. There were also pro-lifer visitors from France, the Netherlands, Italy and other countries.

Prof. Stephane Mercier was a professor of philosophy at the Catholic University of Louvain in Belgium. He was suspended in the spring of 2017 for sharing his pro-life views with his students. His teaching contract was later not renewed.

Learn All About the Prophecies of Our Lady of Good Success About Our TimesOutspoken Professor Ousted for Pro-life Views Speaks at TFP Event

During his talk, Prof. Mercier told the story of his dismissal. As a brilliant and popular teacher, he was surprised by the controversy caused by teaching Catholic morals at a Catholic university. He was forced to decide between orthodoxy and political correctness. He chose orthodoxy and paid the consequences of that decision.

His experience led him to delve deeper into the many facets of the sexual revolution. Prof. Mercier likened the sexual revolution to the mythical hydra. It is not enough to cut off one head of the monster since only more will appear. He emphasized that all aspects of the revolution must be attached including contraception, abortion, homosexuality and gender theory.

He presented his talk with great passion, calling on people not to compromise with the other side as a way to gain concessions. Such watering down tactics will inevitably fail.

“As a student, I was thrilled to see a professor willing to take a brave stand,” said TFP Student Action member Gregory Ohl. “I wish all professors were like him.”

The event ended with a question and answer period, remarks by Duke Paul of Oldenburg and plenty of conversation.



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