Petition Letter to the Bishops

Petition Letter to the Bishops
Petition Letter to the Bishops

Reverent and Filial Petition to the Catholic Bishops of America

(signed by concerned Catholics from across the nation)

Your Excellencies:

Whereas, the homosexual agenda is advancing at breathless speed, paving the way for the legalization of homosexual “marriage;”

Whereas, the Holy See issued a 12-page statement to condemn homosexual “marriage,” urging Bishops to protect and promote the dignity of marriage, and reminding Catholics that it is their obligation to oppose the legal recognition of homosexual unions; (Considerations, 07-31-03).

Whereas, the Bishops of Massachusetts have also sounded the alarm against the threat of homosexual “marriage” to the sacrament of marriage and to the Christian family;

Whereas, only the Catholic Church has the spiritual power to build a moral climate in America whereby homosexuality is thoroughly rejected;

I HEREBY RESPECTFULLY REQUEST the Bishops of America to follow the steps of the Bishops of Massachusetts in launching a relentless national crusade to save the family and stop homosexual “marriage;” and, when necessary, to apply canonical sanctions to lawmakers and judges who use the power of the State to promote homosexual “marriage.”


Read the Letter Sent to Every Bishop in America After the Petition Drive


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