We all know that there are many people out there who want to destroy the true meaning of Christmas. However, who would have thought that it could go this far?
In an animated “family” Christmas movie, “That Christmas,” a group of children put on a Christmas pageant that jokes about aborting baby Jesus.
That’s terrible!
Tell Netflix to Cancel its Blasphemous Film “That Christmas”
The play was led by a revolted teenager named Bernadette who decided to ‘modernize’ the Christmas story.
Before the play started, Bernadette gave a shocking introduction by taking the Lord’s name in vain shouting “JESUS!”
When the parents showed noticeable shock, she continued “…was a cool dude. Beard, long hair, into woodwork—a hipster basically.”
Bernadette proceeded to state that He wouldn’t want the same “boring Christmas story” done every year.
That’s why she decided to turn this holy story into a woke parable preaching veganism, pop culture, climate change and inclusivity. The story features three wise women in the place of the wise men.
However, the worst part is when “Mary” comes in singing the song “Papa Don’t Preach,” entertaining the idea of having an abortion.
At the moment of the song when she sang, “I’m keeping my baby”, she held a watermelon in the air—supposed to be baby Jesus. Just then, the person acting as the star of Bethlehem accidentally hit the watermelon out of her hands. When it hit the ground, it splattered on the faces of the audience.
Demand That Netflix Cancel “That Christmas” and Apologize
This Christmas play, made to get people to laugh, is totally offensive to the Christ Child and his blessed mother.
Don’t allow this blasphemous Christmas movie to continue unopposed. Sign this petition today to protect the holiness of the Nativity.