Catholic Hospital Mutilates Children by Performing Transgender Surgeries

Catholic Hospital Mutilates Children by Performing Transgender Surgeries

Unfortunately, we are all aware that transgenderism threatens children. And one way it does is with transgender surgeries.

It’s bad enough that secular hospitals perform these horrendous procedures, but I learned that some Catholic hospitals participate in this child mutilation as well.

According to Catholic Vote, from 2019 to 2023, Providence Milwaukie Hospital has performed 46 transgender surgeries on children.

Sign Now to Demand that Providence Hospital Stop Performing Transgender Surgeries On Children

Providence Health & Services is one of the biggest Catholic health systems in the country, which makes it even more shameful for them to be performing transgender surgeries.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops explicitly condemned such procedures in a document issued in 2023 which states:

“Catholic health care services must not perform interventions, whether surgical or chemical, that aim to transform the sexual characteristics of a human body into those of the opposite sex or take part in the development of such procedures.”

It is clear that transgenderism opposes Catholic teaching.

As long as Providence Milwaukie Hospital continues mutilating children, they cannot claim to be Catholic, and they cause grave scandal by being an accomplice to sin.

Tell Providence Milwaukie Hospital to Stop the Mutilation and Apologize

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To: Sherri Kulink, CEO of Providence Milwaukie Hospital,

Transgender surgeries are directly opposed to Catholic doctrine.

I am deeply concerned that your hospital performs such operations, especially because you are doing it to children.

I demand that you follow the teaching of the Catholic Church by ceasing to perform transgender surgeries and apologize immediately.
