NBC’s Saturday Night Live crossed the boundary from comedy to grave insult with a sketch of a satanic ritual. Satanic rituals are not amusing or entertaining. The notorious Lady Gaga led the ritual.
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Just this last Saturday, NBC broadcasted nationwide a skit done with imagery of a satanic-ritual with Lady Gaga as the main demon/demon caller.
The skit includes a woman who lies to her friends, thus provoking the appearance of three demons, Lady Gaga being the leader. It includes the three fake demons invoking an actual demon, and then the woman having to drink her own “blood.” After this macabre gesture, Lady Gaga takes the blood and “smears it on the other woman’s face, telling her that she is “re-baptized by the mother of beasts.” After this, they sacrifice her to the devil, rip out her heart, and then feed it to her friends. Will this go unchallenged?
Demand that NBC Apologize!
It is obvious to see that NBC has lost the notion of any decency promoting a mock-up satanic ritual involving Lady Gaga as the main character.
What are we as God-fearing Americans to think of this horrendous crime? Free speech does not include insulting and blaspheming God.
Take action and sign this protest to tell NBC that Satan is the eternal loser and must not be normalized, especially in a nation that says “In God we trust.”
Please Sign This Petition Today to Demand that NBC Stop Promoting Satanism